Draw my 1st fursona. I pay in pure. <3

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2:20pm Oct 15 2011 (last edited on 8:58pm Oct 17 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

I just came up with a design for my fursona, except there's no art of her that exists yet.
I will post the refs here, and you draw her how you imagine her.
I will pay everyone that enters with what I think each piece is worth.

I'm mostly after digital art, colored/shaded and stuff ... but you may also enter a traditional piece.

I do not have a name for her yet. You may also suggest one, with your entry. <3

Here we go ....


She has the shape of a little fox/dog, a bit fluffier. Ears are bigger, longer .. like a jackal has, or perhaps a fennec fox.


Color Scheme
Keep in mind: Egyptian colors.
Red/Blue, Golden, Black, White

She has ''painted'' bracelets like these on all four paws
(golden, with red in them, instead of blue)

She has a golden marking on the eye of Ra, either on her forehead or on her butt.

And a golden collar with this symbol
ta:image/jpg;base64,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" width="119" height="162" data-width="119" data-height="162">

She has emerald green eyes, with golden Egyptian themed ''eyeliner''
And ... she has 2 little pointy teeth showing! c:




I think that's it. Just have fun & go wild with it! :D


8:04pm Oct 15 2011 (last edited on 1:19pm Oct 25 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,194


11:28am Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,269
You play Chicken Smoothie too? :o I used to :p

If you really cared about animals more than humans...kindly feed yourself to the next starving wolf.

1:13pm Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

Well, actually, I just found out that this site existed. I don't really play it, though. I just thought that some of the pets were really cool and took some ideas from there! c:
So ... will you draw my fursona ... pweety pweese, Timber??? :DDD <3


2:37pm Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,269
I only draw traditional though D:

If you really cared about animals more than humans...kindly feed yourself to the next starving wolf.

2:38pm Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

tis okay. I luff your art! c:


2:42pm Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,269
<3 I do digital scribble that resembles your fursona :D

If you really cared about animals more than humans...kindly feed yourself to the next starving wolf.

2:43pm Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

Mmkay, you do that >:D


2:46pm Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,269
Your golden collar's not showing xD

If you really cared about animals more than humans...kindly feed yourself to the next starving wolf.

7:22pm Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

Haha xD Maybe she took it off to take a bath or someffin ... :|


9:10pm Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
Hm...I think I'll try this. :)


9:16pm Oct 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

Thank yooou! <3


5:52pm Oct 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,043
I'm doing this c: but is there a specific colour scheme? or no?

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

6:26pm Oct 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

-Pokes first post-

Egyptian colors, which are dark red, golden, black and white! c:

Thanks for entering, I love your art! <3


8:45pm Oct 17 2011 (last edited on 8:46pm Oct 17 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,043
Here she is:
I hope you like her! I know you didn't put blue as egyptian colours, but when I thought of Egyptian I just thought of blue and gold together c: I still have the linear if you would like a different colour scheme. Drag the image to you address bar for a full-sized.
I also couldn't think of a way to incorporate the eye of ra on her forehead, because it's covered by the hair there >.< I hope that's alright. I tried to incorporate it into the design of the eye though.
tle="Click for a larger view" id="imgElement" alt="" class="imgsize" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; font-size: 10px; line-height: 1; font-family: inherit; text-align: left; width: 645px; height: auto; ">

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

8:53pm Oct 17 2011 (last edited on 8:59pm Oct 17 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

OH MAI GOSH, Blazed! I love her!!!!
And that's fine for the blue color. I simply forgot to add it to the deion xD

Do you think you could put the eye of Ra on her butt, though? That would be awesome! <3

Oh, and is 1.5mil okay?



5:41pm Oct 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,043
no problem c: I'll have that finished soon c: and 1.5 mil is awesome c:

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

6:29pm Oct 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 255

What are some drawing websites or tools you would reccomend?

Speaking to drawers because I (as of right now) have no way to draw anything good and have it show up, and I really want to enter:)


7:40pm Oct 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,269
Could you post another picture of her collar? Lol, the pictures not showing up

If you really cared about animals more than humans...kindly feed yourself to the next starving wolf.

12:44pm Oct 19 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,194

@Blazed - Payment sent. Thank you <3

@Diamond - I have no clue as to what websites you could use. The program I have is called Corel Painter Essentials, but I bought it. Good luck finding something, though. I would love if you could enter.

@timber - Oh, when you said that before, I thought you meant that it wasn't showing in your drawing! xD Silly me. Here's another image of her collar, hoping it will show, this time.
(Except it's all golden)

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