This is my Original Character, Linka. I've had her since I was 13. c: She and I are like BFFs when I RP an stuff. :D So I need to get some art for her since I lost the only art of her I ever had. *sobs* Please be sure to read the deion before you draw her, it'll help you decide on the pose and ex
pression. Also, you don't have to draw them all. Just pick one. These are all the same person, just with different clothes. :D
1. Techno Linka
She's highly advanced with technology, the wings on her back are mechanical and she created them (Much like after Icarus, only more successful.) She's got lighter blue eyes than what appears there. <_< Hummm. That's about it. If you draw this version, make sure to include the moon tattoo, as with all the other versions below.
2. Modern Linka
She's a pyromaniac. c: She can throw flames around like she can sentences and is confident with her powers. I'd prefer it if she had the same ex
pression on her face as in the example above. kthnx. The glasses are more so for decoration than a necessity to her, so they're hardly ever pushed up to her eyes. Remember to include the moon tattoo under her navel. ;o
3. Ninja Linka!
Need I say more? ;o
4. Dragon Linka
Ho'kay. This one looks... happy and stuff. That's a no no. She's supposed to be feirce and powerful. The black markings on her feet are meant to be black flames, so if you could do them as black and purple, that'd be spaztastic. ;o The fur all along her back is meant to be part of the top mane, so just draws it like that. She's got a sort of Repunzel look with her mane. She also has a cresent moon on her hind left leg, so if you draw her on her left side, then please include the moon marking.
5. Medival Adventurer Linka
This is her original idea. Yes, fashioned slightly after the character "Link". No, not the female version of him THANK YOU VERY MUCH. Anyways. She looks excited or happy to be out on an adventure. She's got a butterfly blade (meaning a handle with two sword blades on both ends of it) with one blade red and the other blade blue. You don't have to include the weapon, but it would be swell. ;o Rememeber the moon tattoo under her navel.
6. Warrior Linka
She's bretty hardcore. o.o Like, a strong battler and stuff. The wings on her back were meant to be fully extended angel wings, so if you could draw them like the angel wings rather than that, perfect. ;o Please, please, please include the weapon. It's meant to be larger than that. The blade is supposed to be super massive (Massive like Cloud from FFVII) The blue "tails" is part of her belt and are usually weaving around her catching enemies by their feet and knocking them over, so if you could draw them all wavy like then that'd be stellar. xD I'd like for her to have a determined look on her face. c: Be all like. "Ah munna kill jooh!" and stuffs. And don't forget the moon tattoo under her navel.
7. Neko Linka
CUTE! D:< And she needs the moon tattoo under her navel.
8. Goddess Linka
This is the peaceful version of my OC. I would love it if the butterfly was either perched on her finger or resting on her head. Please give this version a peaceful smile and closed eyes. (Don't worry about the ankle wings, those aren't meant to be there. XD)
9. Demoness Linka
This is where she got infected with some sort of corruption virus and turns pretty damn evil. Either give her a blank ex
pression or a mischeivious smile if you draw this one. The "frills" on the back of her head are part of the coat she's wearing, so don't think they're ears, they're actually the super massive collar. XD The pendant should be glowy. ): Tis where the evil resides and if she's alive, then the pendant glows.
You DON'T have to draw all of them. You can just pick one and have at 'er, but if you do draw all of them then I'll get you a super awesome tip that will show you my deepest most appreciation. o 3o
Just name your price. xD I need to manage my funds since I'm totally like. "HOMG I'M GETTING PORE." lolz. Thanks guise. c: