Ohai. I currently want my persona done. x3
Refrence done by the amazing Nessi o:
As you can see, Mindi is a 15 year old. FOREVER. :o
I have brown, shoulder length hair. Its kinda flippy. o3o
I have Blue eyes, and Im kinda tan.
I wear a Zebra print scarf and leg warmers. Black Convers. Red tank top. Blah blah. 8D
Belt and bracelets are optional. 8D
Any pose is fine.
I'll pay in.... erm.... Items? D:
I have Goodybags '09 and stuff. -shot- I also have pets if you guys look through my showroom. Gallery. Showroom. Rancher. LOOK. xD
If you dont want to draw for me because you dont want items/pets, then dont post. c:
kthx~ <3