DRAW SOMETHING CUTE! ...and get tu.

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7:46pm Aug 21 2010 (last edited on 4:43am Aug 25 2010)

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Posts: 1,775
 Draw this:
yeah you gotta fight over this fellow like you mean it i'm only gonna select a few of you to draw them so you better get your parangs out seriously you're gonna have SO MUCH FUN DRAWING HIM and you're gonna get SO MUCH TU and it's like gonna be so awesome like crazy fun and stuff like that y'know, it's gonna be so much fun that the SUN'S GONNA IMPLODE.
joking, joking xD
As I have really no interest in spending (or earning) my tu at all. I am going to spend my remaining tu on drawings of my dearest Saucy.
Saucy being this thing:
...which is based on the cave painting at the top which is estimated to have been drawn in 13,000 BC.
I am under a budget of 3 mil tu, and since I want to get as many drawings as possible, I will only be looking for sketches (traditional or digital, I don't really care). I may have art trades if I have the time to draw (If you want samples, I drew the above image of Saucy and here's my dA). All trades will be done in sketches of course.
 Please do not draw Saucy before I hire you. If you do, you will not be recieving any tu in return of your drawing... Even if I like it. So if you have an urge to draw him, I suggest you draw him and hide your drawing until I hire you.
Information about Saucy:
  • Saucy is a powerful magician. But like Ponyo (the goldfish), he is quite dim and does not use his powers responsibly. 
  • He is 15,000 years old
  • He has the ability to create stars. 
  • ...he can also destroy stars (like the sun)
  • Saucy often bumps into glas.s walls and mirrors
  • This [LINK] is his favourite shape.
  • He collects many star shaped items such as plushies, keychains, lollipops and hats.
  • Saucy has a star printed blankey which is his favourite thing that he's collected so far.
  • He keeps his collection in a cardboard box with an arrow and the word 'UP' written on it (sorta like this). It has loads of stickers on it.
  • He sleeps in a plastic blue dog basket (like this) with a cushion of a red monotone pattern which depicts small fuzzy tigers with William Blake's peom 'The Tyger' recited all over it. It has a few stickers on the side of the dog bed (not the cushion).
  • I don't know where he lives. I'll think about that later... Maybe he'll live in an old shipping container (prolly from DHL). Whereever he lives, there's prolly stickers all over the walls.
  • His favourite pokemon is jirachi.
  • Saucy is incapable of any spoken language and randomly makes squeaky sounds and gurgles when he observes things (without any intention to communicate). He mainly communicates using body language.
  • One of his ultimate goals is to visit santa.
  • Another goal would be to find a friend that will never grow up and always be with him (in those exact words, but not in english but in whatever he thinks in). He's been very lonely for the past few thousand years and it's upsetting how all his friends just come and go ;(

Please fill out this form if you would like moneh



Price for sketch:

Are you interested in an art trade? (y/n)

Additional comments:


If you said 'yes' for an art trade, we will discuss it through rmail. However, you still need to provide a price for a sketch even though you want to trade as I may not be able to draw.

 If you are hired, you will be notified by rmail.

Drawings of Saucy (posted to help you think up ideas for your own drawings)

  1. Fernio's bust
  2. Turnaround (by me)


Feel the love man D:<


8:09pm Aug 21 2010 (last edited on 12:59am Aug 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 49

Name: cafevalet

Samples: http://i1039.photobucket.com/albums/a477/cafevalet/Exhibition/IMG_1672.jpg, 



Price for Sketch: 200k

Art trade?: N

Additional comments: Your stuff on devArt is really cool :D Oh and sorry about the color on the first two, my scanner did something weird with those =.=


12:56am Aug 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 122

Name: Frosty 


1: http://iaza.com/work/100822C/Cat_Thingy_v251842.jpg

2: http://iaza.com/work/100822C/APPLELOL92638.png

3: http://iaza.com/work/100822C/Photo_60456613.jpg (tis an old drawing and I don't have a scanner :C ) 

Price for sketch: 200-300k maybe?

Are you interested in an art trade? (n)

Additional comments: You can also see me dA for some other drawings and stuff :D


3:54am Aug 22 2010 (last edited on 3:54am Aug 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 453

Name: Rain


Black and Albino Omni dancing by ~The-Hay on deviantART

appa by ~The-Hay on deviantART

Blue Dragon by ~The-Hay on deviantART

Price for sketch: none, i'll do it free

Are you interested in an art trade?: Y

Additional comments:

i would love to do it colored with fur effects, you would not lose any tu or art for it!(if you still say no, i can do a scetch too)

yes i'm intrested in your art but since you dont have much time i wont bother you with this.

I hide underneath your bed and tattoo you if you fall asleep D:< OMG!

the MCR vortex!

6:52pm Aug 22 2010

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Posts: 1,298

But what if I want to draw him for you free? BecauseIwanttodrawhimandmyartisn'tasgoodasmostofthesepeoples. |D

So, I'm going to. :3


2:34am Aug 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
You can do it for free. I like free things ;D


Feel the love man D:<


10:33am Aug 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 49
Err...so are we hired or...?


4:05am Aug 24 2010

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Posts: 1,775
I actually wanted to get about 5 people before I start hiring. Sorry I forgot to mention that xD


Feel the love man D:<


10:43am Aug 24 2010

Normal User

Posts: 49
Oh haha got it :D No prob.


1:39pm Aug 24 2010 (last edited on 11:03am Aug 28 2010)

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Posts: 2,440

Name:Shadlyorider (shadowrider)


Price for sketch:erm...100 i guess

Are you interested in an art trade? (y/n) Y

Additional comments:Wheeeee :D

Laya on Dragonadopters Click please<3

7:17am Aug 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Bump ;D


Feel the love man D:<


8:24am Aug 25 2010 (last edited on 10:25am Aug 25 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 28
Samples on my commish thread :) if you're interested

Bow down to the epicness of Jack Sparrow! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

8:44pm Aug 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Thanks for the offers everyone! I'll be looking in to your arts ;D


Feel the love man D:<


9:14pm Aug 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 270
omg Ryven is love :) you're really good, wish i was better

Fuoco Ezana Speranza

3:14am Aug 27 2010


Posts: 348

Name: Crowflux

Samples: http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a133/seraphSIN/rescreatu/08102010crowfluxcopy.jpg



Price for sketch: preferably at least 500k

Are you interested in an art trade? Yes

Additional comments: Willing to be paid less, but not too cheap. :D


1:29am Aug 28 2010

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Posts: 1,775

Saucy's Mission

 After talking to cafevalet about my reasoning for Saucy's behavior and all the things he does I realised that it was key to understanding Saucy and producing better eye candy xD

Really, Saucy started off as a whim. I saw that sorcerer painting (the first picture) and was just so attracted by it that I had to draw my own less creepy version of it. Howeve, he quickly became more meaningful to me after I started developing him. It all started like this:

Raru: Can he do any magic?

Ping: Uhh Uhhh...... HE CAN MAKE STARS D<

Raru: That's it? xD

Ping: Well, when you have new stars, new planets come about and you get life [if you're lucky] don't ya?

Yeah... The fact he can make stars was really the first thing off the top of my head. The second point was in defense of my claim that he's ultra powerful. I also watched a documentary on the universe, the order of magnitude and the theory of how life on earth came to be (which was super boring) a few days ago too. After that... I had ideas... Loads of ideas. 

First thing, he's 15000 years old. I wanted him to be simple minded and dim. Thus representing early lifeforms and their lack of understanding of change. The gurgling and squeaking was theorized as what I think would happen if there was one individual within a species (AKA Saucy's the only one of his kind and there has never been or will be any other individuals like him). Since there is no one else he needs to cmmunicate with, he does not need language. The gurgling and squeaking is just the beginnings of language. It has never advanced or developed and I don't think it will. 

Saucy's immortal and he respects life. Personally, if I were immortal, I would hate it. Seeing everyone around you come and go is horrid in my opinion. However, in Saucy's case he is incapable of thinking negatively. He doesn't like seeing friends go away, but it can't be helped (so he accepts it). 

The interior for Saucy's shipping container house is strongly based off this game. I dunno if you've ever played it or not, but the scenes are just beautiful. Really, everything looks run down but it's adorned with simple messeges of life (which is why I wanted to put in the stickers), gathered by the survivors who lived there (in the game, you encounter messages left by survivors which died on walls of abandoned malls and stuff). The stickers are supposed to represent Saucy's curiousity, inability to comprehend modern society and child like mind. He likes to collect stickers because they are colourful and fun to play with too. 

So Saucy's not just something I like to throw around, he's got heart. A lot of heart ;o



Feel the love man D:<


6:42am Aug 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Bumples ;D


Feel the love man D:<


11:09pm Sep 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 853

so silly drawing something that is already too cute and can only be butchered by my hands.

but here's my crappy contribution anyway. D: probably wip but really this is just a doodle.

probably should have waited 'til I was feeling better before scribbling something. but eh. i'm sure you don't mind multiple freebies anyhow. 

 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg
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