As a celebration to the coming of easter, I've finally drew bunnies!
-------> ![](http://i1128.photobucket.com/albums/m484/starpony555/Old%20Stage/1.png)
(Normal FEMALE Spotted Yellow bunny)
These are only available from today till the end of April.
. These grow by themselves. All you have to do is either put them in your signature or profile or anywhere, really and wait. Once adopted, you do not need to come back here to get your evolved versions. There is a corresponding url for each one, and I will update it when it's time.
. From an egg, it takes around 1-3 days to hatch.
. It then takes another 1-3 days for it to reach adulthood (the patterns and mutations show during adulthood)
. Then it takes around a week for it to reach the final stage with wings.
. Patterns are random
. Some bunnies may have accessories on them. They are part of the bunny and cannot be removed.
. I will Rmail you the tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=Q0E6MTY2MjQ6NjgwOmNvZGU6NjJhYjUzODcyNjA4M2NjMTEwMTIyMzc3NWNmNmY0M2M6ei0xMDkwLTMyMTUxOnd3dy5yZXNjcmVhdHUuY29t">code for your bunny when I'm finished with them. Go here for the codes:tle="" href="http://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/index.php?id=2235782" target="_blank">http://www.rescreatu.com/petpages/index.php?id=2235782
. Limit to 3 bunnies per user
. I like to be paid beforehand, please. (Some people order, then they forget about it and it's a waste of my time).
EGGS (50K Each):
*The colour of the egg will turn out to be the base colour of the bunny.*
*A custom egg will cost 50K more*
There are many types of mutations, and they often come as a surprise. There is a 5% chance of a mutation occuring.
Freezing a bunny will result in it staying in the stage it was frozen in forever. There is no "unfreeze". Once it's frozen, it's frozen.
Freezing costs 50K (again).
If you fnd that you like someone else's bunny, you may put it in the trading tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=Q0E6MTIyNTE6NTY1OmNlbnRyZTo3ODBlMzA5MjkzNjk2NzU0Y2EzZTdmODg5MmU4NDI0Zjp6LTEwOTAtMzIxNTE6d3d3LnJlc2NyZWF0dS5jb20%3D">centre and trade it with other users. If you wish to trade, state the bunny you are trading and the bunny you want.
tle="Powered by Text-Enhance" href="#" in_rurl="http://www.textsrv.com/click?v=Q0E6MTg0MjU6MjgwOmZvcm06MWEzODQzOTllZDkyZDQ2NDdhNGMzODQxMTEyMzRjM2Q6ei0xMDkwLTMyMTUxOnd3dy5yZXNjcmVhdHUuY29t">FORM:
Colour/type of egg:
*If custom, ref*:
Gender (males have bat wings):
Freeze?If so, which stage?: