I'm doing egg adoptables, but the problem is I'm sort of new to this site all over again. I have been on a long hitaus. xD I don't know Rescreatu currency anymore, so I'm offering TWOFREE ADOPTABLES. Any simple coloration, patterns, or even complete customized egg with fancy designs.They are all will be in 150x150.
I don't have an example of it now, but I'm giving away three free eggs as an examples. I want a honest opinion on how much those should be depends on the difficulty.
Simple or customized egg: (If customized, please tell me in details)
Egg color(s):
Egg design(s): (either in deion or ref pic)
Extras: (anything else you like to add?)
1.)EmoMuffin -done (free)
2.) Wishbelle - not done (free)