3:18am Feb 4 2012
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Posts: 815
3:22am Feb 4 2012
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Posts: 1,704
I might order...
elle x x x
12:24am Feb 5 2012
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Posts: 14
Background: Image:http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/246/e/7/the_black_and_white_sunflower_by_brisngrfire-d2xygh7.jpg Tiled or Fixed:Same Place All colors: I'm not picky I promise! Just pick whatever colors you think would look good
Main Box: Placement:left
Information Box: Text Box: 2
Everything else: Whatever YOU think would look best
12:52am Feb 5 2012 (last edited on 1:10am Feb 12 2012)
Normal User
Posts: 651
*o*... is profiling free?-Immediately orders-BackgroundImage: tle="" target="" ti[injection]tle="" href="http://www.ipadwallpapers.org/wallpapers/gray_wood_pattern_ipad_wallpaper_png-1024x1024.jpg">Click c: Color: Gray~Tiled or fixed: Could the background be.. tiled BUT fixed? o__o So that if you scroll, the background remains fixed c: ?If fixed, where: ? Color SchemeAim for shades Gray, black, white with a hint of red o3o~I want it to be soft-toned but bold~ owo .Go crazy with it xD. Fonts.Main: type : Arial? color: gray. size 10. letter spacing in 2-3px ti[injection]tles: type : .. Arial? LOL. color: Blood red <3 size: Uh. Big. letter spacing in N/a unless u think it looks good :3 . li[injection]nks: You decide on this please? ^^?Text-transform: None :)!li[injection]nksHover: Bold ~Visited: Strike throughMain BoxPlacement: Slightly left , or center.Transparency: Could you do around 80-90%? :3Is it possible to add a bold border around the main box? :)Information BoxHow many: N/aHow big: Background color: Transparency: Border-style: Border-color: Border-width: in px (3px, 6px, etc)HeadersImage: N/ABackground color: White...?Letter spacing: in 3px (3px, 6px, etc)Text color: Red? :)Text-transform: All lowercase perhaps o3o.Anything Else : Could you add some sort of picture at the right bottom corner :3 ?Thank you so much! Edit:// Realized that my background image link failed o_o.
11:08am Feb 11 2012
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Posts: 14
2:04pm Feb 11 2012
Normal User
Posts: 351
Yae! Profile! :3 I'm in no rush for it though ^.^
BackgroundImage: tle="Linksie" href="http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=giraffe&order=9&offset=24#/d2xb6tn">http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=giraffe&order=9&offset=24#/d2xb6tnColor: Dark Orange 2 or another colour that you think would go best : ) Tiled or fixed: Fixed. If fixed, where: On the Right Side of the Page. Color SchemeI usually follow the background colors(image): Fine with me : )FontsDefaults are usually the best: Okai : ) li.nksHover: Bold it Visited: italicized Main BoxPlacement: Where it is Information BoxHow many: one How big: 400px by 300pxBackground color: Anything as long as it goes with the colour scheme Transparency: doesn't matter, as long as it looks good. Border-style: solidBorder-color: Go with the scheme Border-width: medium width HeadersThese are the boxes that say 'Your Pet - namehere', 'Yourusername's Account', 'All Pets', 'Yourusername's Trophies', and all the names of your pets.Image: tle="" href="http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=grass#/d17tfuv">http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=grass#/d17tfuvBackground color: the blue in that picture is good, though i specifically want the grass for the header with a lil blue if possible. Letter spacing: in px 3pxText color: Does not matter Text-transform: none
4:05pm Feb 11 2012
Normal User
Posts: 815
Yes, profiles are free this month.
1:03am Feb 12 2012 (last edited on 1:19am Feb 12 2012)
Normal User
Posts: 177
Background Image:http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/347/b/d/little_red_yin_by_apofiss-d34spg1.jpg Color: #223261 unless not needed. Tiled or fixed: Fixed If fixed, where: Right
Color Scheme Follow the scheme if you wish. Best if black and red though.
Main: Century Gothic, 8-10 xp,Any suitable spacing and color (Preferably Black) ti[injection]tles: Century Gothic, 10-12 xp, Any spacing and color. (Preferably Black) li[injection]nks: Century Gothic, 10 xp/Same as Main, Any spacing and color you wish (Preferably Dark Red: #6E1B1B) Text-transform:
li[injection]nks Hover: Underline. Visited: Italicized.
Main Box Placement: shifted left Transparency: 60 %
Information Box How many: 2. One for 'About me' and one for 'Goals'. How big: 400px by 300px Background color: #ED2121 Transparency: 50% Border-style: Solid. Border-color: #000000
Border-width: 3 xp.
Headers These are the boxes that say 'Your Pet - namehere', 'Yourusername's Account', 'All Pets', 'Yourusername's Trophies', and all the names of your pets. Image: http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/347/b/d/little_red_yin_by_apofiss-d34spg1.jpg Background color: Letter spacing: Any you think is suitable. Text color: Any you think is suitable. Text-transform:
Anything Else?There's a large chance I WILL overpay you. February or not. :) I'll be patient, knowing your large amount of requests. Oh, by the way. You know those Navigation Links/Bars that you seem to add? Can you add links to HOME, EXPLORE, STOCKMARKET, SHOUTBOX, RMAIL, INVENTORY and FORUMS? Thank you very much!
I haz ketchup in my eyes.
2:28am Feb 12 2012
Normal User
Posts: 1,704
Can you do banners?
elle x x x
5:11pm Feb 12 2012
Normal User
Posts: 247
Would my profile be free or not? xD I think it's next on list :D
Please click me! I'm dying!
EDIT: Oh crap I'm dead. Click me anyways, cause I'm awesome.
5:37pm Feb 12 2012
Normal User
Posts: 815
I don't do banners.
Yes, anyone who's up there now is free.
5:43pm Feb 12 2012
Normal User
Posts: 167
Okay, I'm such a loser. I have absolutely no ideas as to what I want my profile to look like. There are only a few things I know I want. ;w;
Color scheme: Black, silver, dark blue. Black being the main color, silver and blue being accents.
Style: I kind of want it to look smooth... kind of a liquid metal type thing. Smooth curves, but metallic and steely. o_o if that makes sense at all.
Other than that I really have no idea. I like having all the main profile information in the center, though.
Screw it; I\'m getting a whole cheesecake.
5:56pm Feb 12 2012
Normal User
Posts: 936
So here is a theme for my profile- deadmau5 and merlin scattered across my profile everywhere
Is that it? then I tell you changes or whatev?
-So has no idea-
1:55pm Feb 13 2012
Normal User
Posts: 815
That's fine for now. I'll Rmail you guys if I come across any issues.
5:35pm Feb 13 2012
Normal User
Posts: 54
OMG FENI. Holly wants a profile from youuu c: Because your art is gorgeous. Just sayin'. Anywho: BackgroundImage:
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a187/soulfullyyours/purple_rose1.jpg Color: purple, black, some white maybeTiled or fixed: I'd like the background to be fixed, so that if someone scrolls down, the image scrolls with the text.Color SchemeAny shades of purple/pink purple like in the rose. I basically like ANY color of purple; lavender, orchid, violet... x: Fonts.Main: type : Arial? color: black. size 10. letter spacing in 2-3px titles: type : Arial color: darker purple than the background? xD size: like 12? o.O I'm not sure xD Just bigger than the main text.links: black o; doesn't really matter for these.Text-transform: ? xDlinksHover: BoldVisited: Strike throughMain BoxPlacement: To the leftTransparency: Could you do around 50% Information BoxHow many:How big: Background color: purple? o;Transparency: 50%Border-style: Border-color: blackBorder-width: I'm letting you toy around with this, I really don't know what all that means XD; I don't need anything fancy.
Headers Image: N/A Background color: White Letter spacing: in 3px (3px, 6px, etc) Text color: purple Text-transform: none
Anything Else : Would I be able to have an image of an adult black veram in the bottom right corner ._. i'd love that.
P.S. ilu
6:57pm Feb 14 2012
Normal User
Posts: 694
Could I have a profile with the same layout as yours please? With... Background picture
http://sphotos.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/419723_301474389911341_100001463460072_914578_1838472800_n.jpg if that works Everything else (Not like HA or pets or anything) black and white if possible. You pick the rest, whatever looks good. xD Thank you! <3
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
12:54am Feb 18 2012
Normal User
Posts: 7,187
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:37am Feb 18 2012
Normal User
Posts: 815
Lol, free really causes everyone to flock.
3:32pm Feb 24 2012
Normal User
Posts: 2,057
xD yay im on the waiting list xD
3:33pm Feb 24 2012
Normal User
Posts: 7
i would love to get a pet page done by you, but i don't have the tu. DX