So, since I;m your best friend you should get me one :3
I'll pay you with items/an amber mira if you'd do me 3 :D
Name of the Flamze:Lorelai
Your user name:EasternBluebird
Gender: Female
Do you want them to Say 'Adopted by...'? Notthigone
Design: Just little triangular antlers :D
Eye color: greeny blue
Emotion on its face:: :3
Name of the Flamze:Jadewing
Your user name: ^^
Gender: Female
Do you want them to Say 'Adopted by...'? YUSH!
Design: Cream with orange tips
Eye color: Dark dark green
Emotion on its face:: Katten like
Name of the Flamze:Rambo
Your user name: ^^
Gender: MALE
Do you want them to Say 'Adopted by...'? Yup :3
Design: Brown and black randomly spotted/slpotched :D
Eye color: Amber
Emotion on its face:retarded :D face