Flash's Sketch Commissions

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7:46pm May 17 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Sketch Type:   I can bribe you to give me a waist-up ink sketch. But if not, that's fine too. XD
Character Deion:   She's a 15 year old female, so she might be slightly tall. Her hair is a dark brown with lime green tips with an even darker green ontop of those. Her eyes are sort of a murky blue, like a bayou, or dusk on a cloudy day. Or something. She's always got this sort of evil smirk on her face and has several blood stains on her face and clothes (not hers though. o3o). Speaking of clothes, if you were to do that waist-up thing, she's in a straitjacket. And wears a black dog collar. o.o
Personalty Deion: She's not exactly the cheerleader type. In fact, she hates them. Actually, she hates almost everyone. She's also fascinated by fire. A... pyro, if you will. And blood.
 Other: 700k and anything in my Rancher/Showroom that takes your fancy? XD If not, I can bump it to 750k.
And my persona's not weird. :c Just... Well yeah, she's weird.


12:19am May 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,210
Flare,wazzits name?;D and oh geez ,4 mil is waaaaay more than this is worth

12:16pm May 18 2010

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Posts: 6,800
Mellifluos. C:


2:43pm May 18 2010 (last edited on 2:44pm May 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,210

Hmm,i dunno.... i remember once liking blondies a LOT 8D so,sure i guess.Just refreshed my memory and looked at how they...look
 and darn,lots of orders.Ive started on Gorgos for some odd reason...or more like to kill time in art school *u* *didnt feel like doing anything there today*
i'll try to get started on yoshis as well,since its been like a month since she posted the order,UGH,im so lazy :c

3:45pm May 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 305

Thank you flash (:
i enjoy bribing wonderful artists.
it shows appreciation... plus i wanted it colored (:

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4:14pm May 18 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Well. At least I didn't kill your thread this time, right? xD


9:23pm May 18 2010 (last edited on 7:53pm May 19 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 6,800

Yay. I'll edit this post with my order. Oh, I forget. It's name is 1gf5d6gf6dr. Not that other poopey name. C:

Sketch Type: 
Black ink outlined, Hand shaded with colored pencils? c:

Characters Ref:
I plan to use this sketch as the ref, so in other words, I don't have one yet. :(

Character Deion:
I'll show you the Zebra form, so you can get a feel for the human form's apearance. :]

Zebra, yo.
A zebra calf. She has no name, yet, but I need art of her. She looks like a normal zebra calf, and she has beautiful, icey blue eyes. Lookie here to see what she looks like:

Human, What I want you to draw, yo.
The human version of the zebra. She is about 15, and is very beautiful. She is curvy and well-built in the upper torso (-shot-) She is somewhat pale, and she has icey blue eyes with blonde/black hair. She wears a shirt that is skin-tight and is black. She wears a scarf over that, that is white. (Zebra colors. xD) Her skinny jeans are zebra-print, and are styled like [
this.] (Sorry for that... girl. :|)  Her gloves are also zebra print, come to her elbow, are fingerless, and have buckles on them. They are styled like [this,] but have the little buckles. :) Her shoes are black and white [Converse.] I would love for her to be holding a red rose, with a few of the petals at her feet, please. And here is what she actually looks like: [x]

Personalty Deion:
She is always happy and humorous, she is very popular and would be considered a 'social butterfly'. She is friendly with many, but shy and reserved around a select few. Once you get to know her, she is just a big teddy bear.

Paying  Blonde Easero, I'll give you a tu tip if I love it alot, hurr.

Everything in brackets that's bold is clickable, hurr. :D


8:55am May 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,210

So liek,so you know ive been doing things,i can say ive got Yoshis order all sketched(cant remember if i started inking it yet) aaand  for some odd reason Gordos is almost done.Dunno about the colored part though...i dont have any good skin-color pencils :c i guess i'll just edit the colors in PS xD;
anyways,if i'll remember,i'll finish and scan those two things tomorrow. I have some connecting to people to do again.

7:59pm May 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,800
Awesome. You have so many commissions-s-s ;D


2:20pm May 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,210

I dont know why i ask for personality when my sketches have none xD;
 Is dis any good yoshaei?

5:29pm May 25 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Homgdood. She has like. Amazering frog toes. xD

And. HomgIdon'thaveenoughtuzraitnao. 8( brb ripping out soul to pay for it.

... Although, actually. I think you already possess my soul.


6:55am May 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,210
But youre liek,always rich D8 
 plus its not like i needz lots of moneys anyway
Wait...i have Yoshis soul?When did that happen?*u*

11:24am May 26 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Not right now. xD I've been binge-spending lately. Hurr. This time it was V that ate all my tuz - but I'm happy I has him now. 'Sides, it'll come out the other end eventually. 8D /shot

And you do for THAT. ;o

... Long ago, in a far away place. In some ridiculously amazingly epic fashion.

You should remember it. o_o You doob.


1:13pm May 26 2010 (last edited on 8:23pm May 31 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 3,002

Too poor. XD

Current Goal: Hatch a Black and Albino Shaefu. Get all Dye Kit Color Shaefu. 2 Dyes so far and 4 Shaefu Hatched. Thread up in Ads if you want to see what I'm selling.

8:36am May 28 2010 (last edited on 8:48am May 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,210

Lookie what the cat brought and pissed all over ;D
I failily tried to color it,but it only ended up looking weirder,sbmad 

3:03pm May 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 305

ohmaigod flash.
You are pure epic.
Kill me.

Shoot! Bang! Neeehoowwww!

Thank you (:
will send payment shortly..

on the wrong computer.. won't be home till tomorrow most likely.
sorray for the wait.

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3:48pm May 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

... *still needs to pay* xD

brb pleading to the Res Gods. Or something.

Although, actually. That would be begging. 8(

Maybe I won't do that then. I don't imagine a banhammer from the heavens would feel very nice.


8:28am May 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,210

Bump for myself 8( hopefully i'll get another commission  done sometime soon
 and i might not be drawing furry animals anymore...after the current order that is. i dunno,theyre hard.but im just saying.nothing  clear yet.

11:44am May 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
 I'm slightly scared to order. Cause everytime I order something, my tu always runs out. o3o but Halien feels.. lonely. Which he should. I'ma stop blabbering now and order the dang thing. Oh look! A butterfly 8D
Character Deion:  Slightly pale, but not to extreme vampire pale. Just.. not in the sun too often pale. Halien has what you could call long hair (see picture reference of hair:
http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=black+haired+guy#/dcwhig) but just a BIT longer than that. he has orange eyes (if you wanna take the effort to color the eyes only) but if you shade, make it really light. Er.. He has a snazzy trenchcoat ( like thiiis: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=trenchcoat#/dfkxv) and er.. o3o I think that's it. Oh! his hair is really shiny too. and the trenchcoat has a higher than average collar.
Personalty Deion: He's your typical not-so-normal living stone. Not vampire stone. Unfeeling stone. 8D Cold hearted, witty, mean, sarcastic, totally and obviously not goth, though he likes to wear a lot of black.
Other: o3o I lub you. And check my showroom to see if you like anything in there if I can't snap up enough tu to pay for this. And please, rmail me when it's done. I might lose the thread d8


12:12pm May 31 2010 (last edited on 12:18pm May 31 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 131

is there anyway i could beg you for a comission of yours? i would offer an art trade and at the finished date all the tu i have plus any two of my showroom pets? would that be alright?


art examples:



unless you would perfewr the prizes on my art contest forum?



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