Foo's free *art. :V

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9:33pm Mar 12 2011 (last edited on 9:31am Mar 22 2011)

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Posts: 1,369

* doodles


Yep... that's a drindian.  

This thread is for my leisure only, so please don't push me. :3 Instead, encourage me!


So, are you wondering how to get some? It's very simple! Just post what you would like me to draw, with a few details, etc, and that's it! I love details, so please include as many as you like. A great example of a post would be:

"Hi! I'd like for you to draw my pet "Fadfakd"! Fadfakd is an adult, male Meiko, who is Lime. His personality is playful but curteous. He likes to run, fly, and eat. His eyes are purple, and he has round markings on his cheek.

Here is a reference. [LINK ONLY PLEASE!]  



Now, I don't expect you to follow that to a T, but that is generally the posts that get done the fastest. So remember, the easier you make it for me, the faster you get your art! A very plain or undetailed request will get a very plain art back, or something that I decided to use my imagination on. I don't re-draw things, so please think before you request! You DON'T HAVE to have a reference image, but even the most badly drawn MS paint doodle is a huge help!


!! I do not work in the order I recieve requests  !! 

Please take your time to describe what you want. Just becuase you are the last post doesn't mean I won't do yours first, and vice versa. I WILL do everyone's request eventually, just not in the order I get them in.  


Currently working on:

My half of an art trade with Ferni.

Projected finish date: March 22-23 /11






PS- I love getting art, too. If I do something for you and you want to give me something back (you don't have to, though!) I very much appreciate art of any kind. pictures, stories, graphics, poems, etc. Whatever you feel like. :3

For those of you who wants to do this, anything centered around my fursona would be awesome.

She is a faun, cyan, genderless(though more feminine than mascule), happy, worry-less, hippe, free spirit, careless, childish, immature, funny, enjoys art, running, music, movies, animal toys, dinosaurs, bugs, RATS♥, turtles, water and tea, rice pudding, sewing, running, jumping, playing basket ball, trampolines, swimming pools, beaches, fish, etc. you get the idea. <:3 

If she is too difficult, a male "Black hooded" fancy rat would be awesome.  


9:34pm Mar 12 2011 (last edited on 9:35pm Mar 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 436
Will you sketch me a baby draqua? c:

so wao

9:37pm Mar 12 2011 (last edited on 1:24pm Mar 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Draw meh Umehana, tis my fursona >D


9:37pm Mar 12 2011

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Posts: 491

10:04pm Mar 12 2011

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Posts: 6,800
Trance Kayoki plz.


10:27pm Mar 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 930

I CHALLENGE YOU. draw one of every rescreatu species.


draw my albino ezahni and rstu, foo. >:8C


10:53pm Mar 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,469

My fursona, Nylat?

Or is she not creative enough?

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


11:39pm Mar 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,998
Draw mai Trance Liyure 8u


3:01am Mar 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 316
Draw me a flying banana ty. c8

Kir quest is Ginger Vaspi. Selling? rmail me. (17/120)

2:18pm Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 2,158
a lime and black iluvu.


2:42pm Mar 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,165
Draw my fursona!! Not special enough for ya? *jabs siggy* OH MAH GIZZLE. ANGEL'S BACK.

2:45pm Mar 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,645

Draw the guy in my siggy there are more refs here, 

 photo ._zpshjgx8mo4.gif

5:40pm Mar 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369

By "unless it's creative" means I don't want to draw a ton of spaggle dogs and cats. D; They are almost ALWAYS 90% of these threads on every site I offer free art on. 

I'll draw any of them, just not a million of them. xD  


I think I've drawn Nylat before, it was fun. xD


And alrightly. :V I'm doing free art threads like this one on like 10 other sites, so progress might be slow but eventually everyone should get their art. I'm leaving tomorrow on a cross-country road trip AGAIN and my mom is driving, so there should be /plenty/ of time to draw. -____-


And people, more details. >:o I don't need a million, but something very vauge will get something very plain back. 


5:43pm Mar 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
Also...what exactly is Umehana? o_o


5:58pm Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 1,645
Super...My doodle is based off a pet but it's completely is that a wolf/cat sona thing?

 photo ._zpshjgx8mo4.gif

6:40pm Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 1,369

Did I mention I don't really work in order? :V 


6:40pm Mar 13 2011

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Posts: 1,369
Nope, Cherry. It's just a human pet, I draw them for my own pets sometimes. :p


7:44pm Mar 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,645
ok ^^ 

 photo ._zpshjgx8mo4.gif

9:45pm Mar 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 572

Seriously, if this isn't creative enough for you, just say. You don't have to draw it. Crowflux recently helped designed and drew my new sona for me. :)

Here is the Ref. I have a neat idea for the pose though. ^^

She may look a bit distored cause I had to shrink her down to make it not stretch the page.

Abouts: She is both kinda mixed with fire and air. She has a pretty fast temper only when certain things come about her. Other than that she is your free flying hippi spirit. I wouldn't mind some kinda tie dye something on her, or a peace necklace. Whatever. c:

I'd like to have her pouncing something, or just as a pose. :D Don't draw her if you don't want, lol.

Once again any hippi-ish stuff to have her dress in is cool with me. :D

-and a new day will dawn, for those who stand long, and the forest will echo with laughter-

12:14am Mar 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,369

:O STAR. I love that, actually. And I'm a total hippie myself. |D 

I'll probably fail at it though. Any other refs you have for the body patterns..?  

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