Meelanya im REALLY not being mean. But I think you would be annoyed if you were in my situation. I dont want to be guilt tripped for this either. I denied you for your second commision because it was stolen art. I denied your next one because you broke two of my rules, and I cant draw wolves. Then you Came back and requested the same thing and im REALLY REALLY not being mean. *headdesks* Look I would draw for you really, but if I let one person get away with breaking the rules then everyone will break the rules and it would turn into a big crazy mess. And I dont want that.
But really don't be upset. I'm just explaining why I refuse to draw for you.
But you are an evil monster, and that's why we love you~
Asdf, anyway, would a hyena-like creature be counted as something you can't draw, since they are a little bit.. canine-ish. I'll give a deion of the character if you can draw one.