Species: my stardust achro wyrae, Narcotics
Any particular pose?: long and spirally with the stardust going in the same direction, giving kind of a hypnotizing nebula look :O
![asdf by GOD-LIKES-ME](http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/229/d/2/asdf_by_god_likes_me-d7vln6u.png)
like that, except not horrific xD kind of like a spiral dragon from FlightRising, if you've ever seen one of those :3 search them up on google images.
particular mood or emotion you want you critter to be showing?: Her eyes are hypnotizing like this
except not animated, of course xD And she's got that chesire cat look on her face; mischievous :3
Any particular colour for the background?: blank
Other: nothing else ;w;
I think I may have overdone it xD if this is too much then I'd just like a drawing of my indigo wyrae Vubba :3
With an evil smirk on his face :D he's always plotting something that'll get him in trouble xD
Pose... somehow like a cat stalking something owo
background can be blank.