This little darling is called Holloween for now- s/he is up for auction!
I like the design but don't have room for any more permanent lovelies on my profile so I thought I'd sell him/her off.
The purchase of said design will give you the image above (which will be inked and coloured to the winner's specifications, in either pencil or promarker!) along with a nifty little pixel image of your new creature (examples can be seen on my profile)
I'll also scan and edit the above picture so it looks nicer and actually has a white background (:
Things you can change:
Gender, personality and a story are all left completely to you
Colours/ markings will be chosen by the winner, as noted above, but if you like I can give some examples of what might look nice (will be uploaded in the next few days after I pixellate Holloween)
Name! Holloween is only a temporary name, if you have a creatu you want to stick this design to, great!
Things that are a no-no:
Claiming the design, or my art, as yours. If you win the auction, please give credit to me.
Mutilating the design once you own it- artistic licence is down to each person but let's not get silly-
I don't want to see Holloween sold to someone who replaces his/her stalk tail with fuzz, or sticking wings on him/her
His/her design isn't awfully complicated because I don't personally like them.
The end date is Halloween, obviously ;D
Bids start at 100k, minimum bid increment is also 100k
No wiggling out of bids once you make one, please!
Good luck!
Current Bid- 10mil