I feel like doin' commissions >D

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5:45am Aug 9 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Sorry for being so slow guys, I have been busy preparing for the ghost festival, which involves making trashbags full of origami. We're nearly done so I'll get on to commissions as soon as possible oAo


Feel the love man D:<


2:52am Aug 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Gorge's commission is done!

Sorry it took so long oAo



Feel the love man D:<


2:59am Aug 10 2011 (last edited on 3:01am Aug 10 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 989



 Medium: MS Painty thingy

Colour or Black and White?: Color but there isn't much color to be had anyway, lol. :|

What do you want?: A white fox with a not-spastic ex
pression and a pair of chopsticks behind one ear eating a bowl of noodles. Think of how a cat sits when it eats with its paws all inny like this.

Refs: NOPE 8D

Anything else?: I love you.

Payment: Uhhh like 2mil. I dunno.



3:18am Aug 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 5,542


um.. Either dip or callography pen. (whichever is cleaner)

Colour or Black and White? (will not affect the price):

black and white. you can shade it for the color differnces.

What do you want?:

I want a picture of Tagami in his human form.


This but with a more tattered vest and a broken crown on his head.


you can read that if you want to base the ex
pression on that.

Anything else?:

nope. Just made sure to tatter his clothes slightly because he is a 'street rat'


3 mil?


2:17pm Aug 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 537

6:17pm Aug 10 2011

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Posts: 537
Ping any guess when mine will be done cuz ima do an art compitition and i need a ref lol 

6:24pm Aug 10 2011

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Posts: 2,315
I sent payment


9:54pm Aug 10 2011

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Posts: 1,775

Gorge, I didn't recieve the money. Could you check where it went?

Vol, I'll try to get it done by this afternoon. I started on it last night. 


Feel the love man D:<


4:36am Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 4:52am Aug 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Finished Vol's Commission




I also have a very important announcement. I have decided that I will no longer be taking orders for commissions after this week because of school starting and me not having any time to finish them. So you have until the 13th of August to order. Due to this, I have also decided to add 3 extra slots, meaning there will be 6 slots in total. After this, I doubt I will ever open commissions on Res ever again.


Feel the love man D:<


11:13am Aug 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 537
Thankyou ping tu sent

12:10pm Aug 11 2011 (last edited on 12:12pm Aug 11 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 537

Medium: ms paint phoney style

Colour or Black and White? (will not affect the price): colored

What do you want?: my fursona the blue dragon (you drew him already so you know

Refs: look up two posts lol

Anything else?: transparent background

Payment: not sure either 600k or 700k


10:50pm Aug 11 2011

Normal User

Posts: 334

Medium: Pencil or Ink...

Colour or Black and White? (will not affect the price): Black and white 

What do you want?: I'd like you to design my ram fursona.

Refs: It looks like a cuter version of the Aries Ram, even though I'm sadly not an Aries. 

Anything else?: Nope

Payment: Art Trade?

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

8:17am Aug 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 271


Medium: Pencil 

Colour or Black and White? (will not affect the price): Black and white

What do you want?: A steampunk themed drawing of a boy. He has messy hair and steampunk goggles on his head, wearinga white shirt with rolled up sleeves. He's about eighteen and not extremely muscular, but meh. If you feel like drawing his legs too, he wears huge boots. o-o 

Refs: None.

Payment: 2.5mil?


I wanted another piece of artwork, but all your slots are full. ;-; 


10:54pm Aug 12 2011 (last edited on 10:56pm Aug 12 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586

 Medium: Pencil for now

Colour or Black and White? (will not affect the price): Black and white since its just pencil

What do you want?: I want a drawing of Doctor Who done.... the 10th Doctor Who. He would be next to his TARDIS.... one hand propping him up as he leaned against it. His other hand would be on his glasses... that were sort of on the edge of his nose. The Doctor would be peering over them and smiling just like in the first picture below.





Ignore the Girl in these pics.... I only want the drawing of him

Anything else: Not really.... but I hope this turns out well ^^ If you need more pics you can simply just type into Doctor Who 10 into google and come up with thousands

Payment: 2mil since though its pencil I might like a few more details then normal? Plus since I added the TARDIS (the blue police box in the upper pics) into the commission its more work for you and thus.... more tu for you ^^

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

3:58am Aug 14 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Sorry for being so slow guys.

Like, I'm doing my all of my holiday homework (which is meant to last me a whole month, but I'm doing it in just over a week) last minute. so I'll prolly get back to drawing commissions next next week xD


Feel the love man D:<


5:27pm Aug 22 2011

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Posts: 537

7:12pm Aug 22 2011

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Posts: 1,792
*missed commissions* I'm just gonna go cry now ;n;


8:20pm Aug 24 2011

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Posts: 537

6:11pm Aug 25 2011

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Posts: 989


2:19pm Aug 27 2011

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Posts: 537
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