I like it I love it I want some more of it.

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2:36pm Jan 25 2014 (last edited on 2:39pm Jan 25 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,939
tle="Example" target="">ja
Hellur! Are you bored. Well I'm looking for people who do digital art. I am really looking forward to starting a webseries. For webseries, you need characters. I'm good at digital art. But I'm not good at drawing bodies. So I need bases. Bases are bodies that don't show the "areas" but its just the outline of the bodies here's an example 

((Its the blue text before the word "hellur))


Anyway, my thin is about rebels. So I want a group base that is a group rebelling. No needfor a back ground. Just gimme the bases. Okay thanks. Um also, send them to paigehenderson45@gmail.com if you have an email. Id appreciate it A LOT

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