9:25am Dec 20 2012
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Posts: 2,503
Wow, Linki! That's awesome!
Teeny, yours is really cool! <3
 psalm 103:12 |-/
3:42pm Dec 20 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 531
Thank you uvu
6:50pm Dec 20 2012
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Posts: 2,503
You're welcome! ^.^
I've just scanned the first... whatever it is? lol.
Anyway,s that one should be done tomorrow.... maybe. I have a Christmas Party.
 psalm 103:12 |-/
1:32am Dec 21 2012
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Posts: 1,956
6:21pm Dec 21 2012
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Posts: 1,956
Fff Jenny you died x3 /rolls around
6:37pm Dec 21 2012
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Posts: 4,893
Sorry, I was busy the last few days. ;;
Link, those look so wonderful! O: I sent you the tu. :3
Teeeny, aw how cute. <3 I sent you tu too. x3
Neo, that's great! can't wait to see. :)
i’m such a gamer uwu
8:43pm Dec 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,956
Aw, it's okay c': Thank-you so much, homg <3 I'm glad you like them.
9:51pm Dec 21 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 531
Aw, thanks hon <3 Hope you get lots of lovely arts!
11:18am Dec 22 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 322
Are you still looking for art of all your bought designs? c:
Sorry about your bunny taking so long, I lost internet for a couple days and would rather not work without a ref. x3
6:28pm Dec 22 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 243
Jenny, I'm pretty much doing all of them because your designs are pretty epic and I love them ;u; But question about the first of your 50mil charries : what is that stuff on his back that's floating? Is it like... sand? For the fourth, with the red stuff, are those markings or are those accessories? lol sorry my glasses are MIA so I really can't tell.
6:18pm Dec 23 2012
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Posts: 1,956
Danger, since I'm the one who created them... Okay, the stuff on the back? I guess you could call it sand. It's sort of magical floating stuff. 8I And the red things are markings. They could maybe glow. Since Jenny now owns them, I don't know what she's changed about them so x3
11:44pm Dec 23 2012 (last edited on 12:28am Dec 24 2012)
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Posts: 4,893
Silent, yes.
Danger, what Link said instead it's magical residue floating on its back. o3o
Link, nothing changed. I'm still figuring out what to do with them. Haven't had the chance since I'm sort of busy in real life. xD
updating first post though.
i’m such a gamer uwu
12:39am Dec 26 2012
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Posts: 4,893
i’m such a gamer uwu
3:33pm Dec 28 2012
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i’m such a gamer uwu
3:43pm Dec 28 2012
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Posts: 2,503
Gaah, sorry I haven't gotten that done! I was behind on my coloring contest entry and only just recently got it done, and I'm still super busy! :P Sorry, I'll try to get it up quickly.
 psalm 103:12 |-/
11:05am Dec 31 2012
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Posts: 4,893
It's okay. <3
i’m such a gamer uwu
11:44am Jan 1 2013
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i’m such a gamer uwu
11:12am Jan 2 2013 (last edited on 11:13am Jan 2 2013)
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i’m such a gamer uwu
8:58pm Jan 3 2013
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Posts: 4,893
i’m such a gamer uwu
3:16pm Jan 4 2013
Normal User 
Posts: 4,893
I really want those two humans drawn. ;o;
i’m such a gamer uwu