9:43pm Apr 26 2012 (last edited on 1:44pm Apr 29 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 49
So I've been entertaining the idea of doing this.... Basically, I want to get back into doing art as a serious thing. I've been rather lazy about it lately, and this kind of thing would be a good incentive for me to actually do things. I'll draw creatu, humans, anthro and quad animals, or whatever mix of the above. I will NOT draw anything Not Safe For Work.
You can pay whatever you think the image is worth! However, as guidelines: 1. Sketches: 300k tu 2. Flat colors: 500k tu 3. Shading: 1mil tu (mostly because I hardly shade ever) 100 to 250k added on for each character, and 50k added on for backgrounds Prices can be negotiated, and I will also accept creatu, eggs (if rare, like seasonals or something), items, and art! If your request involves a human character, I'll take 50k to 100k off the price. I am not good at drawing humans.
Examples: tle="" href="http://img571.imageshack.us/img571/4549/katiewaterdragon.png">Sketch tle="" href="http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/5536/kyasese.png">Flat color Flat color with background tle="" href="http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/473/justinarandompinkvoid.png">1/tle="" href="http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/7247/dannyangelforary.png">2 Shaded tle="" href="http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/8494/katiealienbaseform.png">1/tle="" href="http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/1594/katieshinxcolored.png">2
First come first serve, but if I really like your request you might get a spot. I'll have 5 slots for now, and reopen later with 10 or 15 if this goes well.
1. Toshiro (in progress) 2. zozane008 (in progress) 3. shadowfax (in progress) 4. Bloodrose (in progress) 5. skypi (in progress)
4:06pm Apr 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 6,216
Do you have examples?
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
10:41pm Apr 27 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 49
...wh. Oh dangit. I edited it last night, but it looks like it didn't stick. I'm sorry, I'll go fix it now.
7:03am Apr 28 2012 (last edited on 7:10am Apr 28 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 736
Ooh. Very nice.
Three colored pieces please. (If your up for it, Shaded, but otherwise, just flat) separate pieces please.
The second girl is this girl:
The third is this troll:
I will pay 3mill give or take for all three.
Knightly Lord of Paor. 33 unique bois
9:32am Apr 28 2012
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Posts: 17,364
11:13am Apr 28 2012 (last edited on 11:25am Apr 28 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 49
@Toshiro: Sure! :) @zozane: Ooh, I really like your designs. You're in! x3
Seeing as these are both going to be shaded, it might take a while for me to get it done without it looking really bad. I should have them done by the end of next week though, if not before (but mostly giving myself some leeway; I have a bad habit of setting my deadlines too soon).
edit: also, i'll accept payment AFTER you're satisfied with the work :)
4:31pm Apr 28 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3,828
Would you mind doing a shaded sketch of Randie for me? I'm posting her Character Bio here for you.
Name | Randie Carter Age | Sixteen Gender | Female Looks | People don't pay much attention to Randie at first glance, particularly boys who want nothing to do with a tomboy girl. Being said, Randie doesn't bother too much with make-up or skirts and the like. She finds herself sticking to the more practical clothes: jeans and v-neck tops.
Her body type is slightly lanky, with long arms and legs that carry her lean weight easily. She has the right amount of curves for a girl that gives her gangly stature a more controlled look.
Baby fat is still evident around her cheeks, making them appear a bit rounder than they will end up to be in a couple of years. Her facial features are gentle, carrying nicely rounded cheekbones and a small nose that gives her a playful look of innocence. Randie's eyes have to be her most peculiar feature, seeing as they are heterochromatic; her left is a soft blue while her right is just a smidge darker and a shade of green. Since she was made fun of because of this when she was younger, she tends to wear different types of sunglasses. She's got quite the collection now.
Her hair falls down in gentle waves down her back, stopping just under her shoulder blades. The locks are a light chestnut, almost light enough to be considered a dirty blonde. She'll wear it down most of the time, always keeping it in a hair cut where she has side bangs so if she ever loses her sunglasses, she can sweep her hair in front of her right eye.
(Sunglasses are wayfarer Ray-bans. :3 Whichever color you think fits her, or you can show both her eyes. ^^;)
Personality | As stated before, Randie is a tomboy through and through. She feels more comfortable around guys than she does girls, always afraid of being judged when she's around the same sex. When she's around people she's comfortable with, she's extremely outgoing and boisterous. She's the the type of girl who won't back down from a challenge. But when she's around people she doesn't trust, she gets uncertain of herself and can get amazingly shy.
Pokemon | Cyndaquil - Cole
No References, sorry. D:
hello my name is elder price
4:53pm Apr 28 2012
Posts: 3,217
:) are you still accepting other orders?
5:29pm Apr 28 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 49
@Skypi: Yes I am! :3 @shadowfax: Alright, added to the list.
6:20pm Apr 28 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3,828
Thank you! Could you also Rmail me the finished product? I'm afraid I may forget about the thread. :3
hello my name is elder price
6:44pm Apr 28 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 49
6:55pm Apr 28 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 3,828
Thank you! Can't wait to see how she turns out. <3
hello my name is elder price
12:52am Apr 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 2,422
Could I get a flat color of my new fursona? :D http://fav.me/d4y0y2w She's a fennec fox so her ears have to be ginormously cute.
Could you rmail me when done, please and thank you? :D
"An Insane is a small creature that zips from person to person at hyper speed, stealing wallets and hearts in equal measure..." -Dmann
5:07am Apr 29 2012
Posts: 3,217
id like a Flat color of a gold and silver omni with a chibi ghost/ spirit (I don't mind what it looks like as its always changeing shape :))
:) hope that's ok
1:42pm Apr 29 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 49
@Bloodrose: Sure! She's really adorable, by the way. :3 @skypi: Alright, added to the list~
This means that I am NO LONGER TAKING COMMISSIONS until these are done. If anyone else wants one, they'll have to be patient.
10:52pm May 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 49
Just a quick progress update!
I have two of Toshiro's nearly done, and might have them done by Sunday. Everyone else might have to wait a bit longer, because I'm terrible at pacing myself. XD I can't really guarantee that all comissions will be in the same style because mine kind of slides around a lot from being fairly realistic (if anime-inspired) to being as before but more stylized. Just a fair warning.
8:37am May 26 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,937
I would love a slot when you have finished the ones you're doing ;w; If you could shoot me with an Rmail when you have slot open, i'd love you <3