Hello there, and I give you a warm welcome to Ice's Pixel Wolves. Obviously, I sell pixel wolves right here. Perhaps you'll take a look? c:
The Pixel Wolf!
You're probably wondering what they look like, correct? Then you're in the right spot! Here is the pixel wolf:

Do ya like eet? c8
For 20k, you can get a pre-made wolf.
If you'd like a custom wolf, then the price is 25k.
Item prices are listed below the item in the Item Shop. c;
Pre-Made Wolves
There will be five pre-made wolves at a time.


Form for a Pre-Made Wolf:
Fill this out to adopt a pre-made wolf! c:
# of Wolf:
Why do you want this Wolf?:
Custom Wolves
Custom wolves can be obtained by simply filling out a form. References are helpful, but if you are describing, please be deive enough so that I don't have to ask lots of questions, ok? c;
Form for a Custom Wolf:
Mutations are things such as antlers, fangs, spikes on the tail, wings, etc. Here are the three basic types of wings that provide an example and how the wings look like:

[Top=Feathered wings, Middle=Bat/Skin wings, Bottom=Chibi wings]
Do not think that this limits you! Just because I've only got these to show doesn't mean I can't make any other mutations. c; Just specify what you'd like in the form.
Breeding Information
First, you must tell me which wolves of yours you'd like to breed. One of them must be female and the other must be male. You also need the Breeding Pillow, available at the Item Shop. Those things combined will produce pups. Usually, there are one to two pups per litter, but the Pup Potion can change that. Speaking of the Pup Potion, please present that before your pups arrive. Also, the pups usually grow up in one day, but if you have a Growth Potion, you can change that.
A pup's look is determined on the parents' combined looks.
Friday, August 12, 2011: Ice's Pixel Wolves was created! <3
Five pre-made wolves were put up for adoption. :3
Saturday, August 13, 2011: Hunter [#001] and Speckles [#C001] were adopted by 0FallenLeaves0!
"Breeding Information" was edited.
Sunday, August 14, 2011: Speckles was given the Pup Potion.
Hunter and Speckles had three pups!
The Pound was added.
Rissa [#005] and Bruno [#004] were adopted by VanillaTiger!
Rissa and Bruno had one pup!
The "Wolves Adopted" section was removed.
A reminder: Please save your wolf's image to your computer just in case anything happens. Thank you. c: