Just an Ordinary Art Thread .o.

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11:31pm Jul 28 2012 (last edited on 8:59am Aug 14 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Or is it? >.>

Anyways, you came here for art. Though I'm not completely opening up shop yet. 
So here's the deal. I'll be only taking two commissions. Once they are done and I feel I am comfortable enough to work with others, then I'll open up shop completely. Keep in mind that sometimes I have brain farts and I can't do a certain commission.

EDIT: I am now taking orders. Shop is open :3
**Closed: Slots taken**

I can sort of do humans. But I'd rather not. I'm still currently practicing on them. Sort of getting the hang of it.There are other things I have trouble with, but I don't want to list them. Tell me what you want, I'll do my best. If I can't do it, I'll let you know. I would like you to have refs. I don't like reading deions, because I don't want to miss something, and have to redo. Takes to much time. Plus, I may misinterpret what you want from what I imagine (and there are times where I have no idea what you're talking about).

The time it takes for me to do these can range anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks/months. Really depends how enthusiastic I am about drawing your character or whatever. BE PATIENT. 

And please take note that I may complete others before yours, even though you come before that user. I work on them all at the same time.


1. Gasp- Progress: Shade/high
2. Leon- Progress: Color
3. Llama- Progress: Sketching

Art and pricing:

                Sketch- X                             * 500k-1m OBO                                     AC- +500k e.
                Sketch & Color- X                     700k-1.5m OBO                                  AC- +500k e.
                Lineart- X                                2-3m  OBO                                     *  AC- +700k e.
                Lineart & Color- X                *  )3-4m OBO                                          AC- +800k e.
                Special Lineart- X                   * 4-5m  OBO                                         AC- +1.5m e.
                Special Lineart & color- X      -    5-7m  OBO                                         AC- +1.7m e.
                Full Special- X                           8-10m+ OBO                                      AC- +5m+ e.

AC= Additional Characters

I will accept-
Possibly CS items/pets
Possibly other items
Slight chance of pets/names
(*hint* I like aerix and black zenirix o3o)
Can and will haggle. Rmail and we can come up with something.
Also, I will post and rmail you a watermarked version. Once I receive payment, I will send you the original.
Tips are always welcome :3
If you read the payment options, please post: Ermahgerd .o. 


Art type:
Sketch/lineart color (choose color of the actual lines):
Ref (images please):
Things I should know about your character (hidden details?):
Any specific pose(?):
Would you like to receive a WIP (work in progress)?

Can't think of anything else atm >.< Feel free to go ahead and add something that I probably missed.

Yes, I have rules.
Please do not erase or fade out my signature. Give credit to the right person.
Please do not copy or edit anything. You want something edited, I'll edit it for you.
Please let me know where you're going to use it. I like to know where my art is/goes.
No one, and I mean NO ONE (besides me and the user who paid for the art) is to use these images on any site, that includes here!
IF I have given permission to any user to pay later because they misread prices, or can't pay right away (meaning you had funds when you ordered, but not after it was complete, because it took so long ;A;), they will have a deadline of 3 months to pay for their art. If the user doesn't pay within that time limit, they will no longer have that option to buy later on, and of course, will not receive the art. You are responsible for remembering to pay. No rmail will be sent to you as a reminder.
If you do not pay for your commission (within a month), and it's able to be sold (ex- creatu), IT WILL BE AUCTIONED!
All res rules apply.
If you read the rules, please post: Yus, plz ;A;
Wanna see if people read all the way through...
I can add more rules as I come upon problems .o.
(and I won't always be posting an update on rules)



11:31pm Jul 28 2012 (last edited on 11:33pm Jul 23 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Nomzisaur- S&C
DawnOfTheDragon- SL&C 
Christine- L&C 
Jenny- Request L&C/x/SL&C 
Jenny- FS 
Jenny- FS 
Outsane- FS
Eternal- FS
Eternal- FS
Eternal- FS 
Pyrosong- L&C **Awaiting payment** Exempt from deletion date
Color- FS
Tiffany- FS  
Insane- FS  
Kafrin- FS 
TigerFrost- FS 
Shadly- FS
Johomo- S&C 


11:32pm Jul 28 2012 (last edited on 9:38am Jul 23 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Unpaid/Pre-made art up for auction:
Made this a while back. 
Starting bid: 500k
Bid increment: 500k
Auto buy: 3mil
Highest bidder: Grave- 500k


12:49am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 617
Can you do wolves?


12:50am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Probably one of those I'm sure I can accomplish, yes xD


1:04am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 863
Can I see some examples of your artwork S.V.P? :3
                                             (S'il vous plait?)


1:08am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Oui, Mademoiselle ;3 
Are the links not working? .o.


1:09am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Decided first two are half price, for those of you who stumble upon my thread o3o 


1:18am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 617
I'll show you what wolf to draw and I'll show you what I want the wolf to wear once My computer is unlocked.  I'm typing on an iPad right now and all the pics are on my laptop


1:19am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
'Kay, just be sure to fill out the form ;D


1:23am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 863
Art type: Sketch and Color
 I'd like a sketch of an animal called a Dhole :3

Ref: Dis be a dhole :3

"Rawr! I'm king of the hill!"

Specific Details: I want my dhole to have lovely dark blue eyes with a white right paw and a cute little white dot (like a beauty mark) just above her right eye. 

Thanks so much!


1:25am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 863
Oh, and the tail is mostly black, I want the whole dhole body in there if thats okay.


1:32am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Okay, I'll do my best :D


1:32am Jul 29 2012 (last edited on 2:06pm Jul 29 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 617
Special line art with color 

A little minecraft skin i made of her.

 Details:she is an ancient wolf who has been traveling for years to undo the curse that has come upon her.  She has a leather band with a blue gem on her head to indicate her royalty to her once kingdom. she also has blue eyes.


1:37am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Both slots are taken. Be sure to lurk for updates :>


4:04am Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Two slots open .o.


2:27pm Jul 29 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934


12:09am Jul 30 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
Bump :|


2:23pm Jul 30 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934


6:21pm Jul 30 2012 (last edited on 6:23pm Jul 30 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
Art type: Lineart and color
Sketch/lineart color (choose color of the actual lines): Black
Ref (images please):

Things I should know about your character (hidden details?):

Okay, so what I am thinking is a gryphon type thing. Only the front would be more like a cockatiel and the back would be a black fox.

Colorwise, I would prefer a theme of light pink (I like #ff6699, so similar color/s would be good), grays, black, and white.

Hopefully this is something doable XD

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