Okay, So I can do 2 FS for 2 albinos (Ophilia and Leightu if possible) and one SL&C (I may even just do a FS) for Nitroglycerin. If you don't want to part with these, that's fine xD
But if you do, all I need to know is which characters you want for what types. Or if you want to, you can fill out a form :D
Things I should know about your character: Dusken is a ghost and tends to glow the light blue in the picture, always has that creepy smile, and the whites of his eyes are also black.
I'll use at least Aetna and Dusken on another site, Subeta, and probably the nameless one too, once I finish fleshing out her character.
Okay thanks ;D There's two things I want to ask about Aetna right now. Are there two horns, or just one? And is the face more squirrel like or fox like?
And you're the ONLY person who actually followed that one rule xD Thank you so much for that <3
And like... because you did that, you get a 50% discount on your next order (if you order again) :3
Things I should know about your character (hidden details?): You can see it in one pic, but the tail is flammable and so is the head, making a sort of horse-like mane of fire at times. This of course is optional to you, and the body (since the only real pic of the body sucks) is somewhere in shape between a husky and a greyhound. Large chest, but thick body.