Hello all I'm here again offering up my drawing skills to those who'd like to commission me! Just check my prices and samples below and post what you'd like to order. And just so everyone knows everything comes with color unless otherwise stated (like for the special below). I may also be willing to take pets as payment if:
A. It's a color/pet I like
B. And the name is something that is nice *no names with random numbers after in like Able12452. If it's name with numbers in the spelling of it to replace a letter I'm fine with that so long as you clear it with me before hand*
Special going on!
Yes that's right I'm looking to make a quick 2mil on something so I'm offering a knee up color and full body sketch together for the price of 2mil to one person. Please if you would like to take me up on this offer post the form with 'Special' in bold red letters at the top of your post. If you've checked my prices below you'll know that this is a HUGE discount off of my prices.Special Taken by Alchy
New Special!
Allow me to create a character for you based on what you'd like for only 2mil. You can either try generating some random specs at Seventh Sanctum's character generator or give me details for what you'd like to see. I would prefer to female characters at this time but I will try male characters if they interest me. The deion don't have to be super elaborate for this nor do you need references just the basic idea of what the character would look like and I'd be coming up with the clothes (or you could provide deions for those too). These will be knee up drawings with a bust up included both in color. I will only take three of these orders so please act fast if you'd like to nab a spot for one of these! These will be similar to the reference sheets I offer and may end up being more than just a knee up
What you'd like drawn: *references please or detailed deion* (no reference/deion=no art)
Shot: *full body, knee up or bust up*
Any specifics: *pose or what kind of pose you'd like*
Total: (total price)
Ise gonna give you guys thumbnails to be nice since I'm sure full sized images from me would be WAY huge. Gonna post these as what styles/things I offer so you know what I'm offering for what price.
Pricing is based on that thatWindkeeper gave me
If you would like to see more samples than those pictured below please check out my deviantART gallery for more! <3
Bust Up 1.5mil
Knee Up 4mil
this is an updated version of this
Full Body 6mil I am currently not in the mood to do full bodies so please do not order these

Reference Sheet *comes with a flat colored bust shot and color spheres* 7mil I am currently not in the mood to do full bodies so please do not order these