Kia's Human Art Shoppe <3

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1:40pm Jul 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
Yes Hiara you could


2:26pm Jul 6 2010

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Posts: 1,301

Yay~! Thank you. :'3

Okay so for Baer:

Fail ref ~> [link]
She's got hair shorter than that, but still that color, cut to a little less than shoulder length, sort of like this. She normally wears a school girl's uniform that looks like this, but she has two chains like this draped down the sides (criss-crossing in front and back like dis), one chain like this used as a sort of belt and a necklace matching it, and she keeps the shirt of the uniform kept up to about here. She has earings like this in her left ear, with just the top and very bottom one in the right. Her chest is very well endowed but not to the point of looking strange and she's fairly curvy. (She's also very egotisitical and thinks she's the sexiest thing on earth.|D)
And for Cor:
No ref. D:
Corbian is a 27-year old Visral/Human hybrid (A visral is my own creature. Sort of a mongoose/dragon hybrid spirit), though he looks like a normal human for the most part. His light lavender-cream hair falls down in a sort of liquid manner just past the nape of his neck (it's sort of tanrsparent). His skin is a sort of pale tan, like he got a tan 2 months ago and it's almost worn off. Cor's eyes constantly change colors in the smoky swirly way you see on the crystal balls on TV. He also has two small grey horns on his head, almost unoticable under his hair. No piercings and only one tatoo, on his left shoulder of a wrench and a few of any of these scattered about it (He's a tech nerd. |3).Wears a lab coat like such with faded tattered jeans and a purple t-shirt underneith.


3:25pm Jul 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
Alrighty I'll drop you an rmail when they're finished!


3:30pm Jul 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 993

DAK? o: I've been waiting to finish my form to make sure that my payment is alright. I mentioned shortly after I offered that I typo'd and that the draqua's name is Nivii, not Niivii. Is he still viable? :3

meow school's out and I'm back for the summer~

4:27pm Jul 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
Yes that's fine, I'm not picky about the extra letters being there or not as I tend to add in extra letters myself when the original name that I wanted is taken


7:26pm Jul 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 993

Username: winterisis

What you'd like drawn: A character of mine named Gretchen Anderson.

Let's see. Gretchen has really defined (defined as in she looks like she's wearing eyeliner.), brown eyes. As well, her eyelashes are pretty long. With the matter of her skin tone, she should be relatively tan, like, medium-with-golden-under tones, I believe is the type of skin that I want for her. Her hair is auburn, so a reddish-brown, and a bit on the dark side. It's wavy/curly and reaches just about two inches below her shoulders, and can be worn a variety of ways. (As seen below, you can choose but hair down is prefered.) Her nose is small-ish and difficult for me to describe, but Gretchen has many freckles on her nose. Along with that, she has some freckles on each cheek, under her eyes, though these are less noticable. One of her most important qualities is that she has "elf-ears", where they come to a point rather rand being rounded. If you can see her ears in the picture, they must be like this. You can see this quality in the examples of her. Gretchen is *ahem* "well endowed", being that she is based off of a very sweet doggie that I take care of occasionally. This does not mean she's huge, trust me, but she'd be around the lines of the third bust up example. What she wears is really up to you, but keep in mind that she's not preppy or gothic or emo or really any stereotype. Your best bet for her is a v-neck t-shirt (such as one of the ones in the examples), but have fun with it. :) Tank tops are fine, spaghetti straps or the thicker ones, along with crew-neck type t-shirts like in the one where her shirt is covered in flowers, but if it's crew neck, please add some sort of a design. Like I said, most likely a v-neck.

Here are some references of her, if you'd like to get a better image. And a feel for what her nose might look like. x3 :

Yes there are eight, I apologize. I just wanted to give you a very good idea of what she looks like.

Shot: Bust

Any specifics: Well, it's a bust shot, so do whatever you want with the arms. ;) She's pretty happy-go lucky, but I'd prefer it if both eyes were open please.

Total: Nivii the Black Draqua ♥

meow school's out and I'm back for the summer~

7:59pm Jul 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
Alright Winterisis I'll see what I can come up with for you


12:11pm Jul 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 993
Listen, my vacation is starting today, so it puts me in a bit of an awkward spot. I can either set up the trade for Nivii now, or in about ten days, it is your choice.

meow school's out and I'm back for the summer~

2:56pm Jul 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
You can set it up now Winterisis, I'll go get out a junk pet for you to set up the trade with


9:58pm Jul 7 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
<3 Still open for more orders if anyone is willing to order!


4:24pm Jul 8 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
<3 Still open for more orders if anyone is looking to order! I accept pets or tu!


10:52pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
<3 Still open for more orders if anyone is looking to order! I accept pets or tu!


1:15am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
I'm going to be away for about two weeks starting on Sunday afternoon. It's probably better to give you Town now, so you're not left hanging for two weeks. P:

You can set up a trade whenever! :3

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

4:16am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
Alright Dust I've got the trade set up you can wait to accept it until you get your art if you like.


10:50am Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
It's alright, I trust you enough for this. xD Thanks! I can't wait to see Teresa. ~

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

9:40pm Jul 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
You're welcome Dust! I'll send you an rmail with the art in it as soon as I get it finished for you.


12:09pm Jul 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 398
I may not be on much for a while, so I'm going to go ahead and send payment in advance too.

3:25pm Jul 12 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
Alright, I'll send you a rmail when it's finished Darkfire


2:11pm Jul 13 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107


2:20am Jul 15 2010

Normal User

Posts: 107
Still open and accepting! <3

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