8:37pm Aug 2 2012
Posts: 240
You're welcome Kat, glad you like it! :3 And sorry ferni, I'm not taking anthro requests right now, only quads. I've got you up on the waiting list tho ♥
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
8:50pm Aug 2 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,701
Alrighty, kitty it is! thank you (:
6:24pm Aug 3 2012
Posts: 240
Yup, I'm going to have to add bird-cow-dragon to my list of "weirdest things I've ever had to draw".  I hope you like it Macdp, some things were a bit hard to distinguish in the picture so I'm sorry if it's not quite right ;n;
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
9:08pm Aug 3 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 655
It's fantastic 8) and I don't blame you if anything was a bit off, the picture was already sort of fuzzy to begin with.
Thanks so much!! This actually makes me want to cry. XD
they/them/theirs :)
9:14pm Aug 3 2012 (last edited on 10:37pm Aug 3 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,459
Algebraic. Well, I've stalked you on dA for a while and now that you're doing commissions I'm going to cave and buy one. AW SNAP HERE WE GO
Aidenell / my fursona
As previously stated he's a bit on the undead side, so that leads to him being quite resentful towards people. Aside from that he is incredibly snarky, vulgar, rude, cannibalistic (he'll chew on his insides from time-to-time, which just results in him pulling them out more), and slightly sociopathic. //The mask is actually optional, but if you choose not to draw it to give him more defining facial ex pression to express his personality he only has half of his bottom jaw.

9:43pm Aug 3 2012
Posts: 240
It makes you want to cry?? XD oh no is it that bad?
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
10:41pm Aug 3 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,459
Post edited. Sending payment in a minute.
1:11am Aug 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 704
Base price on doing my Omni group? You can see them in my show room they are all based off Japanese mythology. I'd like the art of them all together for a profile and your art is some of the best I have seen. Before I go hog wild on the info for the five of them I would like to now what I am looking at price wise xD
Sig in progress
1:31am Aug 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,586
Would you draw her? :D She is completely and utterly sarcastic, a flirt, and overall, tough as nails. If you have ever seen Doctor who, she is River incarnate.
 Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
1:32am Aug 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 280
I would like two arts please<3
The first one is a black Kioka named Haemoglobin (this is a gift for my girl) He doesn't have a set personality soooo.... :3 He is an adult, though<3
For the second art, I would like two natural Iviks. Their names are Playboy and Gayboy. Playboy is a more serious Ivik, while Gayboy is flamboyant and fun. Gayboy annoys Playboy a LOT, so I would love to see him annoying his brother.
That would bring my price up to 25 mil, right? :3 *Subscribes*
1:48am Aug 4 2012
Posts: 240
Woooowwww sudden influx of requests lol Thanks guys, I've got you all up on the waiting list and my slots are FULL now sorry! Also Pandoryn, a group shot of 5 pets would beeeee... 30mil
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
2:03am Aug 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 704
Aww darn :( Missed the cut off I guess Maybe next time ;o;
Sig in progress
2:08am Aug 4 2012
Posts: 240
don't worry, just keep an eye on the thread until a slot open up I will try to keep this up for a while lol
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
8:38am Aug 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 655
Nahh, it's not a bad thing that I cried :P Tears of joy. lol
Anyway, I'll be moving out of your thread now [shuffles away]
they/them/theirs :)
5:16pm Aug 7 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,893
Bump. :)
i’m such a gamer uwu
2:54pm Aug 14 2012
Posts: 240
So sorry for the delay with these you guys! I've just been so busy with other stuff lately. I'm actually going on vacation in just a few days and I won't be back until September, so I'm going to keep slots closed until then and try really hard to get everyone's pictures done before the 18th (when I leave). I apologize in advance if I don't, I won't have a computer or internet access while I'm gone.
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
3:42pm Aug 14 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 280
As long as you get mine done before December, I'll be happy, Kiara. xD The Kioka is going to be a Christmas present. :3
4:05pm Aug 14 2012
Posts: 240
Oh no haha it isn't going to take me THAT long! I just need to get a lot of things done before I leave, which isn't leaving much room to work on these. But I'll get them done as soon as I can! :)
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
6:04pm Aug 14 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 280
No worries! xD I was just telling you<3 If you don't have time before you go on vacation, I don't mind. xD <3 Do the more important stuff before working on my art. :) <3 I know i'm last on the list, and I can be patient... right? 8D
5:02pm Aug 16 2012
Posts: 240
HardSummer and ShadowBeatz for SpazzyJenny 
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES