7:11pm Oct 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,446
Oh okay then C: Thanks for clarifying. And question, can you do armor? Not like... full scale suit of armor, more like a breastplate and a sword... Because it depends on if I should order Attack's picture or not XD Sorry for all this confusion and ha.ssle XD

7:24pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 7:28pm Oct 29 2010)
Posts: 240
LoL Fluffy I can draw whatever you want XD As an example, here are some pets I've drawn with weapons: 1. [LINK] 2. [LINK]
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
7:26pm Oct 29 2010 (last edited on 12:22am Feb 2 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 6,800
there is two characters. A lemon Zenerix and a Black Veram together. I don't care post, or even hat they're doing, but, they're both females. And they're best friends. They love eachother, xD Also, If I everorder again, do you take anything other then credits? ** THIS IS THE POST.
7:30pm Oct 29 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Amazing. C: Alright. Here's my order: Attack. He's a silver zaphao (adult) Personality wise, he's a grizzled old warrior, with several battle scars. He believes the best way to win a fight is with offense, so er... Give him a gauntlet (on his front left paw) chain-mail style. He has a sword strapped to his.. torso/waist thing. Don't ask me how's he's supposed to reach that, but he can. o3o Because he is MAGICAL. And he's a grouchy, mean old geezer. That's pretty much it 8D When you're done, send me an rmail and I'll send the credits over. Because I might forget XD

9:52pm Oct 29 2010
Posts: 240
Flareboy: Sometimes I take TU, but it's rare, and I'm only accepting credits as of right now. If you do happen to catch me when I'm accepting TU, it's 5mil per drawing.
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
11:12pm Oct 29 2010
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Posts: 6,800
Kirara; Cool. Posted my order, too. Hopefully its fun to draw!
8:21am Oct 31 2010 (last edited on 4:38pm Nov 17 2010)
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Posts: 1,792
Could you please draw Zhalia? She's my orchid female aukira. I would prefer her as a teen or adult. As you see here she always wears this amulet around her neck, if you could put that in too that'd be great: http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/7346/zhaliaaukira3.gif Please rmail me for any details.
12:08pm Oct 31 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,864
Thanks ^^ After all the seasonal events are over, I will contact you. :3
12:08am Nov 1 2010
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Posts: 1,792
alright I sent the pay for Zhalia's picture, do you need me to send anything on her personality?
2:15pm Nov 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Your 50 Credit Token has been sent to KiraraNeko. I has paid :3

3:07pm Nov 1 2010
Posts: 240
Fluffy: Thanks very much! ShaoXbaby: Thank you! A personality deion would be great, it gives me a good idea about the charachter and makes it easier to think of a pose C:
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
1:48am Nov 2 2010
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Posts: 1,792
Zhalia's personality file:
Zhalia was young when her soul was trapped in the amulet she now wears. It has made her heart hard and cold. However, if you manage to work and earn her trust, then you'll have a friend for life. She can use her amulet to project powerful beams of life energy that weaken her life force but are powerful enough to tear down half a forest in its path. When she senses something that might be a danger her amulet eminates a faint yellow light. (I'd prefer if the amulet was glowing in the picture) She is stronger physically than mentally but prefers to run then fight, but will stand her ground if cornered or if protecting some one else. Her mate is a black easero named Harshly so if you could have a black easero feather somewhere too that'd be awesome.So yeah I believe that's it, please rmail if you need any other info Kiara, thanks :)
2:09am Nov 2 2010
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Posts: 1,792
lol Kirara if I like Zhalia's pic I might order one of my fursona XD
2:32am Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 1,792
4:11pm Nov 9 2010 (last edited on 4:13pm Nov 9 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 557
*stalks for a spot* I'm an avid art collector. 83 If I did manage a spot would you draw a group of 5 creatu for 100 Credits? o:
4:20pm Nov 9 2010
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Posts: 1,701
I'm lurking too ;P
7:01am Nov 10 2010
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Posts: 1,792
Update my order please when you get the time Kirara <3
4:03pm Nov 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,800
.. o____o It may be a couple days for payment. I accadently sent it to the wrong person. Dx Your 50 Credit Token has been sent to KiaraNeko.
I forgot about the other r in the name, Dx
7:12pm Nov 10 2010 (last edited on 7:15pm Nov 10 2010)
Posts: 240
LoL you lurkers :Þ Rainyy, it's 50 credits per creatu so 5 creatu would be 250 credits. Your order was updated Shao C: And Flare, oh dear D: I didn't even know there was a user with that name! I hope they can give it back to you, here is your finished picture: Oops, it was stretching the page n__n; Here is the link instead Thank you everyone for being so patient!
 Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES
9:09pm Nov 10 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 6,800
I am purchasing more credits tomorow and they will be right over! Thanks so much, it is gorgeous!