Kirara and Raylet's Conjoined Art Thread

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2:29am Jun 5 2014 (last edited on 6:41pm Jan 4 2015)


Posts: 240

This is an art commission thread run by two artists, myself and my buddy Raylet. BOTH of us will be taking commissions here, please SCROLL DOWN to see Raylet's section!

Kirara's Section
Thread is closed.

Hey guys, back again with another art thread! This time around I'll be doing some simplistic chibi-style drawings like the one below, all art will be around 300px big at final size.


- Your Creatu
(sorry guys, I cannot take requests for pets and original characters anymore, only creatu drawings from now on! If you'd like to get a different kind of art from me, check out my tle="" href="">Commissions Journal)

- 30mil TU (per character)
- 50 CP (per character)
- Albino Chimbies (valued at 30mil)
- Achro Chimbies (valued at 30mil)

CHARACTER(S) TO BE DRAWN: please include a link or reference to the creatu you'd like drawn. Include name and personality de.scrip.tion of creatu. Describe desired pose if applicable.
PAYMENT TYPE: how you wish to pay for the drawing. Orders will not be started until full payment is received.



(Click images to enlarge)
Kittykat - Auraliana (Paor) - [Paid!] | Salt - Charon (Mirabilis) - [Paid!] | Souda - Myotis - [Paid!]

Spirit - Juilliard (Frost Liyure) - [Paid!] | Death - Ceiro (Ebilia) - [Paid!] | Katiee - Derulos (Zaphao) - [Paid!]

wolfspirit25 - Spirit (Omni) - [Paid!] | wolfspirit25 - Kosuke (Omni) - [Paid!] | Kittykat - Calico Liyure - [Paid!]

Llama - Marcel (Narwi) - [Paid!] Spirit - BlackWidow (Drachid) - [Paid!] | Sagitaurus - Solluxander (wyrae) - [Paid!]

Shao - Zhalia (Aukira) - [Paid!] | TARDIS - CAT001 - [Paid!] 

SPECIAL NOTE - Please save these images to your
 personal computer. I do clear/rearrange pictures quite a lot which
often breaks links.

Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES

2:30am Jun 5 2014 (last edited on 4:59pm Jul 1 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 78


Raylet's Section


I've come back from the dead to draw your creatu! As Kirara's trusty sidekick I will do my very best to provide you with quality, chibiesque art! If you want Kirara's art, you've scrolled too far! Just head back up and check her availability!

Sample Art:

----- What You Get -----

To make sure I can supply everyone with amazing art, I will only be offering art the same caliber as DoctorFree here. What that means is I will only offering a simplistic/chibi/cartoon style. If you really REALLY want something more detailed, you'll have to wait! Sorry!

----- Price -----

*30 mil tu per character.
*50 CP per character.

----- Order Form -----

[So we know who wants what from who!]

[Please put your full user name, and the name of the character being drawn.]

Character to be drawn:
[Post references. If you have no references of the character, find references on google. I'm not picky.]


[Fill this out even if you have references. Please state a pose, and list a
couple of attributes of the character/pet/whatever youre having me draw.]

----- Wait List -----

1. RollerSkates for Poison - SKETCHING - Paid
2. tle="" href="">Invy for piemaster - Not Started - Paid


----- Completed -----
tle="Charon for Salt" href="">
tle="" href="">Charon for Salt
tle="" href="">Espen for piemaster
tle="" href="">Skyrim for Llama
tle="" href="">Cayden for Kittykat
tle="" href="">Samley for Pettirosso
tle="" href="">Admin for Llama
tle="" href="">Niro for RikaTheFallen


Also, if you'd like to stalk me, you can find me on deviant art!

deviant art


2:53am Jun 5 2014 (last edited on 3:06am Jun 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
ARTIST TO COMMISSION: Kirara please~ *will come back for Raylet ;o*



Auraliana is my first, and most loved Paor <33 Being over 1000 days old, she still loves to muck about and get a good cuddle every once in a while. Loves plushies/squishies, especially those that look like herself. Spends any chance she gets with her Paor squishies, and claims she never has enough of them. Sitting and sleeping in mountains of these squishies is what she likes to do best, and is what she finds to be the best way to spend the winter months.
In a nutshell, if you can, draw her cuddling with hoards of Paor squishies of all colors ;u;

Will deffs pay extra if you can achieve this!! <33


subbing :D


3:01am Jun 5 2014 (last edited on 9:35pm Jun 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

ARTIST TO COMMISSION: Both!! ( hellaaA) 
one monochrome mist bird female
mist can be of any opacity and colour
introvert competitive judging sensitive
if it helps at all, here's her petpage;
You could give her fat fish / books /
bird that got away / beans / dye kits etc
whatever you guys like from her petpage.
Or keep her plain, whatever works best yo.

Anything's fine but if her inner wings are showing,
it'd be cool if they could be similar to a Mynah's.


I'll send tu if you guys are chill with drawing her?
Otherwise there are other subject matters!


3:01am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 128
Wait does Raylet do non-creatu? If so could I grab a 100mil slot? 8'U


3:02am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
subbing and I have a question for Raylet. Do you draw ponies? 8'I


3:08am Jun 5 2014 (last edited on 3:08am Jun 5 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
falls over


I... Don't really have a personality planned out for this guy yet. Literally all I've gotten to is "sarcastic buttrag who enjoys flying more than scrambled eggs." I would like for him to have a pair of bronze/copper aviator goggles and a burgundy scarf if possible uwu

PAYMENT TYPE: With tu, yes <3


3:09am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 78
@piemaster- I will do non-creatu characters, but they will still be done in the same style as DoctorFree :3

@RikaTheFallen: I have drawn ponies before, but do not feel comfortable enough to offer them as commissions because I am bad at them.


3:10am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 11,785
Ah alright c: Thank you for answering <3 I will be back with an OC once I have gathered the needed funds then!


3:13am Jun 5 2014 (last edited on 3:14am Jun 5 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 555
Artist To Commission: Kirara
Character(s) To Be Drawn: My natural, frosted Liyure Juilliard. 
Personality: Juilliard is a very loving and warm-hearted Liyure who is devoted to her owner. In a way she is mysterious, however, she is very majestic and beautiful. Although Juilliard is gentle, she prefers the company of only few others. Nonetheless, she is a wonderful Liyure and she often has the presence of a goddess. 
Desired Pose: I'm just gonna kind of go off from the reference I gave. I would, if possible, like her to be sitting in a pose similar to that of the baby stage of a Liyure (body facing forward more). Her paws can be firm on the ground, or whatever you think looks best. From there, I would really like everything (tail, fur, feathers, etc) to flow around her. For example her tail-if that could just flow nicely around her body a bit (presence of a big tail). Basically I'm wanting her to have the presense of a majestic goddess if that makes sense? A beautiiful, majestic creature. As for her gaze, I would like a mysterious yet intense (but not too intense) gaze. <3 That's it I believe. If you need to ask me anything, go right ahead. :)
 Payment Type: 30mil tu


3:13am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 78
@RikaTheFallen: Sure thing! Take your time. :3


3:16am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 128
@Raylet, that's cool, do you want me to send the tu in advance? For mine, just choose whichever one fromtle="" href=""> my folder here which you want to do, they're my active OCs atm =D


3:19am Jun 5 2014


Posts: 240
@Kittykat: Shouldn't be too hard to do, go you up on the waiting list! Thanks for your payment! :3 ♥

@Salt: No problem! Go ahead and send Tu when you have the chance and I'll add you to the list!

@Souda: Added you to the list, thank you! :)

@Spirit: Sounds awesome! :0 Will add you on the waiting list as soon as payment is received ♥

Always looking to buy these Chimbies:
Albino | Achro | Glitch name/color | Prehistoric | Chimby Morphing Potions | Chimbies w/interesting names | CHIMBIES

3:20am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 555
Alright thanks! Sending tu <3


3:23am Jun 5 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Thank you! Tu sent<3


3:23am Jun 5 2014

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Posts: 1,326

@Kirara Thank you. c:
@Raylet So! Whatcha say to a smokin' bird?


3:25am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 78
@Salt- Just finished reading the pet page, nice little story. :3 Go ahead and send the 30mil tu, and I'll put you on the list.

@piemaster- Yay! I like having things my way. I'm a little curious as to why you offered 100mil for a slot... did you want several characters drawn?


3:30am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 128
@Raylet, hurr, I'll just pay 100mil for this slot and hope to catch the next one that opens up if I want more charas drawn, I kinda think you're undercharging at 30mil, so ;U


3:31am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 128
I sent the tus, just wanna check to make sure I didn't misspell ahaha


3:38am Jun 5 2014

Normal User

Posts: 78
@piemaster- Oh! Alright, thank you very much :3 I will add you to the list! Also, I'm feeling a pull to draw Espen. Is that alright with you? If not, I'm willing to draw any of your ocs.

@Salt - Heads up, I got yo money!

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