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6:15pm Sep 15 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,956



6:20pm Sep 15 2011 (last edited on 6:24pm Sep 15 2011)


Posts: 3,217

Username: skypi

Kitty's name: Rocken

Colour(s): black and blue

Fluffiness: lots of fluff! 

Extra(s):three silver bracelets on one of the front paws. 

-edit-trying to send the tu but it keeps coming up with--> Sorry. The user you selected cannot be found. Please try again.



2:27am Sep 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,956
Hrm... that's okay ^-^
Nobody would pay for these things anyway T.T'
And yes, I'll maek it X3


2:38am Sep 16 2011


Posts: 3,217
D: thank you! ill get the tu to you some how! 
and these 'things' are really cute :3 your doing a great job with them!


3:48am Sep 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,956
Fffft X3
Thank you!
You dun have to pay c:


5:04am Sep 16 2011

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Posts: 1,956



5:20am Sep 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 10

Username: Springmaple

Kitty's name: Champsey

Colour(s): black and red(smalls red only) with blue eyes

Fluffiness: Super fluffy

Extra(s):  If possible there is a necklace and her name on it

6:14am Sep 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,956
Getting to it ;3


10:05am Sep 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836

i cannot fill the form sorry. it is hard so ill pay 50k for a profile sized one.

here is my new fursona deion

Hello. I wanted a new fursona with a real wow facter. Not a boreing one thats a angel

here is a deion

I want her drawn like this game. play the game and make her

 my fursona

she has furry floppy ears with black halfway and slowly turning golden brown like this

She has long black bangs not covering her eyes
 she has one eye brown and one eye blue ( light blue)
. Her right eye is the brown and has 3 scars . her other eye i the light blue one. around her eye she has a black glow. her tongue is in her mouth but her mouth is open. she has a cream pearl necklace and bracelet on her right front paw. her fur is neatly combed but nice. she has very small specs that are black and gray. Her base color is light cream. she has big spots on her rear that are cow printed with black and grey instead of white. shere is cream showing on her rear still though. ontop of a big spot there is a white big star. Her paws and legs have a white glow that turns into going up. her nails are on her paws. her tail is lng and down. it is cream with a  golden brown like this at the top of her tail

. Her nose is black. She can be in a green grass with a tree and  a blue sky. She is a fun and heroic but gentil soal. I need help to come up with her name. ill pay with tu and or a pet. arount 500k to 590k. I hope this is enough info. I want her name and a little 2 sentances. I will pay 50k to someone ho gives me a name i like. 

Thank you everyone. It is canine and in the same pose as the game.


6:56pm Sep 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,956
Erm... o.o'  I hate it when there are typed deions DX
But... I guess I can try. 


6:59pm Sep 16 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
nvm! It is to hard XD


2:19am Sep 17 2011

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Posts: 1,956


4:13pm Sep 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
check my profile for a pic
srry im fighting kir!
it is worth like 100k!


5:32pm Sep 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 80
Hey there! These are super cute, and you seriouly are doing a nice job with them. Since I loooove cats I haaaave to have one. Maybe another later. c:

 Username: mbellz

Kitty's name: pauly

Colour(s): siamese? brown feet, tail tip, ears , and a cream body.

Fluffiness: super fluffy (like perian cat fluffy)

Toy(s): a dog catnip toy

Food or water?:  both

Extra(s): eh none, if you'd prefer a different color cheme. lemme know.


7:57pm Sep 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,956
Aw, thanks! 8D I'll make it soon.


12:17am Sep 18 2011 (last edited on 12:18am Sep 18 2011)

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Posts: 1,956


12:26am Sep 18 2011

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Posts: 1,956


12:41am Sep 18 2011

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Posts: 1,956


2:16pm Sep 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 80
It's super cute, sending tu!


6:46pm Sep 18 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,956
Thanks ^-^

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