Kittz's Free Art Studio :3

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2:34pm Jan 3 2010

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Posts: 6,800
Thank ya~


1:28am Jan 4 2010

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Posts: 5,542
bumps for Kittz


10:53am Jan 4 2010

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Posts: 1,301

Hurr~ No one's taken dark brown yet, right~? X3

Username/nickname- Hiara

Colour- Dark Brown

Character deion/ref- The girl on my profile (Whom you did a chibi of. :3)

Other- Er, I'd like her in the ouffit she's wearing in the commish by acidicfire, but with the wings in yours.

Chu~ That's okay, right? *curious face*


3:05pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 3:08pm Jan 4 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,707

Hey kittz is this color taken? If not:

                                                 Username/Nickname: creative/paigey/panda it doesnt matter

                                                 Color: limmie lol

                                                 Character deion: go to my profile there is a pic of me if you scroll down :) Make me look awesome! The color of my outfit and hair and eyes; could that be limmie too??? 

                                                 Other: ummcould i hold a panda <3

                                                it's chibi :)

Selling RWN/RN and haggling! Check my rancher

4:01pm Jan 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 680

Gahhhhhh!!! Delete that Hiara DX I see my failure of my p*censored* >3< added <3

creative- I don't have that colour on my first post D: and I can't work from photo refs >3<

thank you for the bumps :3

Paige's one will be coming soon <3 



4:04pm Jan 4 2010 (last edited on 4:05pm Jan 4 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,301

Aww... But -I- luff it, Kittz~ *sigh* But if you really want, I'll take it down. But! It will still be saved on my computer for me to awe at. >3

 And.... Just about every sentence I just typed started with 'but'. xD


4:26pm Jan 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,707
:( sadface o well

Selling RWN/RN and haggling! Check my rancher

5:02pm Jan 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
Ooh, I'm so exicted! n-n

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


7:35pm Jan 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 557

Holy! It looks fantastic! Thank you so much!

*hugs and sends tu your way* ^____^


7:43pm Jan 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 217
Kittz- You said that PhotoBucket wasnt working right so you couldnt post my pic right?

9:15am Jan 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 680


Bleh I can't draw lately >3< 


Connie- It works now :3 I only finshed this one=

for you not another :S


Hiara- I will draw you another one okay? just take it down XD


sorry creative you can choose another colour if you want <3


Rainny- I luff you <33 thanks <3 I'm glad you like it :D 


1:11pm Jan 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 557

@Kittz: Anytime! It's absolutely fantastic. Thanks once more. :)

Now I have art I can put it on websites where people hate on furries. XD


3:14pm Jan 5 2010

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Posts: 10,925

Kittz-It's beautiful! :D

Might I have the HTML? She'll be my siggy. ^_^

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


5:33pm Jan 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 680

<img#src="" border="0" alt="">

(without the # in it)

Here you go Paigey <3


Your welcome Rainy <3 lol who hates on furries :O I love them XD 


6:25pm Jan 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,301
Lol, okies Kittz. X3


6:49pm Jan 5 2010

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Posts: 1,094

Username/nickname- Dragon231mm/Pengui

Colour- can I has a normal one please, no colors?

Character deion/ref- (Be clear please) Hmm... well. This ish my persona :D If you've ever seenthe show Freakazoid, you may know...

 Well She has Black, messy hair with lightning bolts in the hair. Kinda like this:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

But the Thunderbolts should look more like thunderbolts, not like in my picture xD

She has a black mask, and a red suit. On the front of her suit in bubble letters it says F! in yellow, with a circle around it, like this:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

She has gloves and boots like this:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

And um, her face is blue, very light blue.

The pose I want her in is her hands up in front of her, and shes running around going WOOOOOOOSSSSHHHH. Pretending to fly.Image and video hosting by TinyPic

 Like this

K, thank you.

Other-  I shall give you 100k!

I'm trying to get as many people to do my persona so I can have lot's of different styles on the petpage I'm putting it on.

"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3

7:42pm Jan 5 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,469
Hey Kittz...just're mine coming along? I was looking at the cute widdle chibis and I really want to get mine to display on one of my petpages.

"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."


8:30am Jan 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 680

Flare- Green is done :3

Siggy size=


original size= 

Hope you like it <33


Hiara- Thank you XD <33

Dragon- Hehe nice character but i'm not doing and normal chibis at the moment >3<

Fox- I will be doing yours next <3 but please don't sound like you're hurrying me >3<


9:03am Jan 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,446
Liek omg *hurries Kittz with Kosuke*. Lol, jk. I have no right to hurry you considering how I'm doing with your commission to me, I just thought this would be a good time to post that. I love the people and good luck with all your commissions.


3:37pm Jan 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,094
Darnit :P

"What's your name?"
"Bob, sir."
"Bob. I like Bob."
"It's a sacred name, sir."
"All right, your Sacred Bob."
Hai. Call meh Pengui or I'll steal your cookies >:3
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