And I heard you guys. Now presenting a way to recolor your existing pet with Illusive Coloring Syringe. You can chose up to 5 colors and able to choose which color goes to which body part. (color reference to existing digital art image is also accepted)
7:44pm Jun 6 2020 (last edited on 7:47pm Jun 6 2020)
Normal User
Posts: 350
Whoa. :o That's so cool. I love that dark effect.
Edit: I saw you mention before that we can toggle effects on and off, right? So if we don't like an effect, we can take it off? I'd be curious to see what my chimera looks like with effects, but I'm worried I might not like it as much as just the chimera.
@BoredDragon: Yes you can toggle it on and off as you received both the pet with and without effect, but you won't be refunded if you want to toggle it off.
Your chimera is of dark-fire element so the effect would be either dark (as you can already see how it looks like) or fire (which is still mysterious cause no one has one yet) or the combination of both (half dark, half fire).