12:41pm Oct 10 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 1,446
*flails* That's really good Kyreesha but... I feel like a butt saying this but, I'd like uh.. well, bigger? And with a more... powerful shape? Ahh! I feel so bad saying this! It's really good!

9:06am Oct 11 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 677
fluff: not at all!! I was feeling crappy when I drew this so I have no prob with redrawing it ^^

"Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."
4:37pm Oct 11 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 1,446
Thanks SO much I felt so bad saying it i hit my head about a thousand times against the wall ;x;

9:40pm Oct 11 2009 (last edited on 8:44pm Oct 19 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 320
Ugh, this makes me feel bad, but I need to cancel my orders that were writen here before this post. I need the money to pay someone back. Have you already started? If you have already started I won't cancel them, Terribly sorry!
12:35am Oct 12 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,036
I want want want more!! XD I would like my nattie otachie, TwoTailRedWing, to be standing like a lion, and a fierce look on his face. Do you mind some text? Just down the bottom. Can it please say: "The survivor of many disasters"? Thank you. :]
1:35am Oct 12 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 677
O.o *flails* soooooo many!! I can't keep up XDD

"Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."
2:06am Oct 12 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,036
I know. XD
5:29am Oct 12 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 677
alrighty, azure tiger re-do ^^ it took me FOREVER to get the pose right XD click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')"> hope you like this one better ^^ made it a bit bulkier instead of the tiny, petite, little cute thing i had going with the other one X3

"Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."
5:58am Oct 12 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 677
okay guys ima try somethin new here, ill post the initial lineart so that my derest customers can see if they like what i'm doing before I go with the finishing touches ^^ this way I tihnk i'll be able to avoid situations like before where I redid one of my cimmishes (no offense Fluffy, that was my fault ^^) I also think it'll help me to get commishes done faster :P alright then here's the lineart for yours inna: click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')">

"Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."
9:28am Oct 12 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 4,914
*huggles* innna luvs it ^^ inna will rain you in orders....soon.;D
Flashbacks, warm nights, Almost left behind. Suitcases of memories, Time after time.
4:16pm Oct 12 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,036
Bumpy bump!!
8:44pm Oct 12 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
No! Kyree must finish mine before she gets rained in orders! Also, can Kyree do people?
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
10:18pm Oct 12 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 320
Kree: If you can't keep up post an amount of people you do at a time, like this: 1. Someone's name 2. Someone's name 3. Someone's name 4. Someone's name Then when you finish those you open yourself up for hoever many more banners again. I dunno, I've seen other people do it before, so I thought it might help. ^^
4:34pm Oct 13 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 436
If you can do people? -- Me. c: 14 year old girl wearing a Lime green shirt with black skinny jeans and high top Back Converse. Black hair, With hair parted more to the right. Bangs are down to the nose with purple tips. ;o ------------------------------------ If you cannot do people-- Creatu; Thiago the Natural Male Liyure Pose; Sitting looking proud and full of himself. xD Background; Lush Jungle, Kinda rainforest-y like Payment; 100k or 300k if you can do both. I enjoy tipping. ;D
5:05pm Oct 13 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
Grr. She must finish mine!
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
5:15pm Oct 17 2009 (last edited on 5:28pm Oct 17 2009)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,446
Yay! It's wonderful Kyreesha! uh.. sorry for the h*censored*le, but.. send me the html coding? Oh yus, 100k coming your way EDIT: I'll ask for 1 more commission now. 1. a Blonde iluvu sitting on a uh.. how shoudl i put this.. regal pillow cushion thingy. Like the ones you see in those movies were pets get carried around on them? The iluvu should have a tiara on it's head. Thanks very much!

12:46am Oct 21 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 677
ack, I have a friend staying at my place for two weeks so I won't be able to do commishes P: I'll get back to them as soon as possible fluffy: the html coding brings this nice little gray box with it and you can't really resize it. I don't have a photobucket account so maybe you could upload it onto there somehow? foxeh: I have a few others to do before yours foxeh X3 be patient. also, I'm not great at humans but I can try P: if you don't like it you won't have to pay mindii: righto, I'll get to yours as soon as I can >.<

"Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."
4:04pm Oct 21 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 3,469
Kyree: I know... What'd I order again?*goes back a few pages*
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
12:06am Oct 23 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 2,036
6:42am Oct 23 2009
Normal User 
Posts: 677
Foxeh: I think it was your rodi P: I have my friend here until tuesday but I might get some drawing time in tomorrow. To ALL: Could you repost your orders? It makes it alot easier for me to track them and not forget XD

"Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."