Sagi -
You gently remove the softly-coloured egg from the nest, and immediately smell something unusually sweet. Is that... the egg? The shell begins to crack, and the smell gets a bit stronger as the snoot pokes its head out.
This pink and blue snoot smells so sweet, that if it weren't a snoot it might be considered a confection. Please, remember not to consume your snoots, no matter how delicious they may smell.
Kermit -
As you take the striped egg into your hands, you feel something small wiggle around inside. The shell starts to crack, and eventually the small, wiggling thing stares at you curiously.
This stripy snoot likes playing hide and seek, and for some reason stealing pillows. Maybe it's building you a pillow fort?
xAllucore -
You take the final egg carefully, inspecting the soft blues and purples of the shell. The white markings almost seem painted on, but once it starts cracking it's easy to see that they weren't.
This little snoot levitates, rather than flapping its tiny wings to fly. It seems to really enjoy being outside.
tayloi -
You offer your snoot the hat, ribbon freshly dyed a similar colour to its skin. It promptly shoves its head into your hand, accepting the new garment.