Lesley's commissions~

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5:47am Jul 21 2009 (last edited on 4:02pm Aug 8 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 20

 So, I've decided to open a little commissions thread. I'll only be offering a few slots at a time since I take forever to finish anything.


1. Uwibami

2. ^_^

3. YummiLand


For now I will only be offering digitally painted portraits in the given style. I can do realism quite well, but I'm very meticulous about it (therefore it takes quite a bit of time and effort) and will only be tempted into it by lots and lots of monies. :p

Waiting List

1. HappyBunny

2. Breeze

3. 1ran

Note: There are a MAXIMUM of three slots on this list. If all are filled, I will add no more. 

Bribe Slots





my character, Victoria:

AriannaM's comm: 



Surprise me. I have no idea what to ask. However, please don't offer things like 10k or random eggs.

I reallyreally like:

- Tu

- RWN pets and pets named after Pokemon.

- CS items



- It really helps me to tell me what the character's personality is like instead of just giving a physical deion.

- I will do waist-up shots for a little extra money or full-body for a lot of extra money. 

- I do not like quads in a house. I do not like quads with a mouse. I do not like them here nor there. I do not like them anywhere.

- Anthros are fine.

- Reference pictures earn you awesome points.

- Stylistically, I'm quite versatile. Don't hesitate to ask me to do something different with shading/hair/whatever. I really hate lineart, but if it's an absolute necessity, I'll do it.

i've got bona fide and an alibi

5:53am Jul 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 4

You can tell how awesome she is by how she matches font color with the eyes. O:

Srsly though. Buy her artz.
BB HI. I'd buy something if I had more than 60k atm. xD; -kicks stocks-

Mail me if interested in chibi commissions.

5:57am Jul 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 20
Fool stop posting on my thread. >:[ I draw you pictures for free.

i've got bona fide and an alibi

6:12am Jul 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 337
 I Have to say I love your art. I would love somthing of her...
I am so sorry I am horrible at drawing this is a very poor referance. But I would love something in with the general Idea..
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
 Personality: myschievious
Payment. 1.5Mil? let me know if its too little for a half body?


6:18am Jul 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 20
AriannaM: I'll get on it. c: Thanks.

i've got bona fide and an alibi

8:01am Jul 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 4

lolno. I'm paying for it if I want something. :c
And grats on your first customer. <3

Mail me if interested in chibi commissions.

10:23am Jul 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

*steals a slot*

I'll fill in the info later~


10:53pm Jul 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 20

i've got bona fide and an alibi

5:17am Jul 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 20
C'mon guys. I'm way poor. :[ Buy art pls.

i've got bona fide and an alibi

5:59am Jul 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,731

I'm so sorry I forgot! D;

If I could have one of the character on my profile, that would be great. Not the creature, just the person. :3 Waist up is fine; I'd be willing to pay 700k or so if that sounds good with you. I'm very lienent, so I don't mind the coloring style.


9:31am Jul 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 337
Oh wow so amazing I love it thank you so much 8D sending tu now


5:06pm Jul 24 2009 (last edited on 5:07pm Jul 24 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 20

I'm glad you like it. c:

Uwibami, I'll get started on your's soon.

i've got bona fide and an alibi

5:59pm Jul 24 2009 (last edited on 5:55pm Jul 31 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 346

Anthro of my silver otachie, Reiflem please? ;O  You can totally human-ize him if you like, sometimes fur and ears look odd on some anthros. o__o

I'll offer 1.5, I'll probably be back for more later on, just want to see how he turns out.

Ahm.  If you look at his stats, they're rather high, he's a battler, bold, a loner all that blah blah and yeah.  I dunno, whatever you want to do with him is fine, all I ask is grey skin+bright blue eyes.


Request withdrawn, although if you've started, please tell me, I'd be happy to pay for your troubles.


1:11pm Jul 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 4
Bumping 'cause you're awesome. ;D

Mail me if interested in chibi commissions.

1:19pm Jul 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 834

Awesome art Lesley!

Can I steal a slot? .w. 


want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE

3:14am Jul 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 20
Yummi, you've may have the next slot as soon as I finish these. C:

i've got bona fide and an alibi

5:15am Jul 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,020
You should make a wiating lit, for people waiting for slots and stoof |D If you make a waiting list, mind sticking me on there? o3o


5:55am Jul 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 356

This is amazing o,o

Could you do a picture of my black Omni, Kaydin?


Antro picture: http://i846.photobucket.com/albums/ab30/babygirl3803/steve1.jpg ;o


Yes, if you want to add in touches, feel free to do so ^^ I'm willing to offer...800k and the Creatu, 'Kindergarten'? As o_O said, I will be more than willing to offer more money once I see how it turns out~


Thank you!


7:45pm Jul 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 20
I put up a waiting and bribe list, guys. Thanks so much for all these commishes - I was NOT prepared for this many. D: <3

i've got bona fide and an alibi

9:04pm Jul 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 356
Monster, once I get more money, I may kill you with all the commishs I'll throw at you o,o  You're an amazin artist.

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