I don't have anything to do at the moment, so I'll be taking some limited palette requests, and by requests I mean these are free!
Using this, ~tle="" target="">Link~ (credit goes to Sagitaurus for finding this!), choose a colour palette you like the look of and post the link to it, along with the character you'd like drawn! (After the request is completed, you can ask for another one. <3)
Please note that these will be mainly headshots, unless I get hit with inspiration or really love your request.
What I can do:
-Fantastical creatures
-Some kinds of animals
-GORE/ CREEPY STUFF *Evil laughter*
What I can't do:
-No asking for headshots of trees.
Examples (although these may look a little different because I can never decide on a style):
Ewww gross art
1. Sagitaurus
2. Vin
Thank you!