I'm Bankrupt.
640mil in debt. And I only have 1 mil right now.
So i'm gonna sell some LIIINE ARRRT~
Prices range from 5mil-15mil.
Examples: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/022/9/4/tokisaki_kurumi_by_yandere_otaku-d73c8vq.png
K got it?
Link me to the image you want me to lineart. And no. i'm not coloring. That's your own problem.
Couple things you might wanna note:
1. Could take me one hour or one week to complete.
2. If you request that I lineart hands, prepare to get sausages.
3. Price range is due to complexity. If there's a lot of random stuff you want me to lineart, probably in the 10-15mil zone.
So like, yeah.
Sort of like Salt's drawings places, i'll take the order that comes after I complete one. Kay? :'D