Pony Name: Bloody Rose
Gender: Pony(female, as opposed to brony which is a male)
Coat color: Deep blood red. A few black and white hairs here and there.
Mane & Tail: White with red and black streaks. Straight and jagged. Slightly layered with two of those feather hair extensions. Whatever colors, as long as they stand out against her mane. The feather hair extensions should be in her forelock which reaches down to cover one of her eyes in a sweep. Her tail nearly touches the ground.
Accessories: a silver chain around her neck and her fore hooves. Two silver stud earrings on each ear.
Other: Inner ears are white, fangs, amber eyes, if you could, a bleeding rose as a cutie mark? I can pay you...500k tip for her? Sorry it's not much, I'm really poor right now.