Lupie Adoptables!

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6:04pm Jan 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 134
/runs to first page/

6:05pm Jan 8 2014

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Posts: 1,477
You ran into the 3rd page ;o


6:08pm Jan 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 134

Gender: Female
Color scheme: Pastels
Add ons: Floppy bunny ears rather than regular wolf ears. Maybe a pumpkin painted like an easter egg at it's foot. (Is this possible. I'm so needy. So sorry. ;-;)
Anything else?: Made of bones. x:
I'll pay extra if needed. Sorry again!

6:12pm Jan 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 134
Ran from the third page to the first page and back c; I'm exhausted!

6:32pm Jan 8 2014 (last edited on 6:32pm Jan 8 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,062
Omg I'm adopting another puppy because Blue is too nice.


Gender: Female

Color scheme: Just a regular arctic wolf, please. White fur, black nose. c: I'm modeling her after my fursona. But if you could give her light green/olive green eyes, that would be awesome. Kind of like this but with more blue/gray mixed in. My eyes are really weird.

Add ons: None

Anything else?: You don't have to do this, but if you could put a stainless steel men's cross necklace around her neck (with a matching stainless steel chain), I'd be wiling to pay you extra. Here's a really poorly taken picture of the actual necklace (it also needs cleaned). And, yes, it has a little diamond in the middle, which probs wouldn't show at the angle it'd be hanging around the Lupie's neck anyway. It belonged to my father, and after he passed away I haven't gone a day without wearing it. I feel naked without it -- it's just very dear to me.

Thank you!! <3


7:00pm Jan 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
A Lupie appears! She seems to be eager for NeNebaby's attention.

Enjoy her, NeNe~ <33


1:38am Jan 9 2014

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Posts: 1,477
A Lupie swooped down from the sky! He seems a little different from the other!
You watch him fly as he searches for Bluerayofsunshine.

There you go Blue ;o; First Custom I've made ;w;
If there's anything you'd like changed, let me know


2:01am Jan 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 276
One random male with bat wings please ^.^
Sending 600K


3:17am Jan 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 347
Thanks kitty <3 its lovely ^^ sent tu 


5:52pm Jan 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
raw venison (female) please sending tu now so i dont forget =3


6:57pm Jan 9 2014

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Posts: 1,477
A Lupie appears! His icy eyes scan the surroundings for Octopusbaby.

Enjoy octo!


7:20pm Jan 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 381
OMG its so perty thankyou so much kitty <3


7:21pm Jan 9 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Hahah, no problem <33


3:38am Jan 10 2014

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Posts: 1,477
A Lupie appears! He seems a bit different from the others...
Oh dear! He yelps as his anklet gets caught in a branch looking for Rika!

Enjoy Rika! If there's anything you'd like changed let me know~


4:15am Jan 10 2014 (last edited on 4:19am Jan 10 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2,131

Color scheme: 
Fluro colour splats, of any colour you can think of, just please make sure they are fluro, but not green. The main body colour white, so maybe a few bits of white. I want it looking like someone has flicked paint brushes at it please :D With bright green/purple eyes.

Add ons: 
I'd like it to have a great big honking grin (showing teeth and everything), instead of the original mouth. And I would like Kioka style ribbons wrapped around it's ears, front legs/paws, butt/tail, and on the ground. They can be separate ribbons as well. I would like the ribbons to be fluro green please :D

Anything else?: 
Now, I don't know if you will do this, but could I have the tail big and fluffy and in the air instead of the original tail. Also, (this bit is optional because it is a massive change to the outline) could I have one of the legs bent and have the paw up in the air, like it was going to take a step please?

Thankies <3

Used to be Headache, dawg
I am Zoe but I respond to Headache, Thorin, & any variant.

I am mostly everywhere and nowhere tbh.

9:19am Jan 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 276
Oops! Somehow my mind processed that you should send the TU before only applied to customs :/ My apologies ^.^


5:32pm Jan 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Haha that's fine Jasmeena~


9:25pm Jan 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
A Lupie appears! She seems a bit different from all the others.
Her icy paws freeze the ground as she searches for GLaDOS.

Enjoy her Glados~ If you want to change anything let me know! And don't forget to send the tu ;w;


9:50pm Jan 10 2014 (last edited on 10:24pm Jan 10 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Just like to quickly post to apologize for the long delays ;o;
I don't have the time I thought I did for these things and it's going real slow ;-;
Due to this, I'd also add in that I won't take any more orders until further notice


10:23pm Jan 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Another Lupie appeared! She seems a bit different from the others..
She flies high, scanning the ground for Bluerayofsunshine.

Enjoy Blue ;w; Let me know if you want to change anything

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