Username: Kelpie
Creatu #1: Ezahni (or meragon)
Creatu #2: Any aquatic creatu with a tail
Creatu #3 (if any): Something extra if you deem it necissary... maybe fangs???
Stardust (yes/no): No
Specific parts to merge (if any): Just make it look kinda like a mythical kelpie please =3
*Creatu colors of choice: Trance/sepia/lime/natural(ezahni)... whatever you think is kelpie-like, haha... I was thinking either trance or greenish...
Thank you!!! (And please don't go out of your way and make it super complex... I can't really afford that much, haha... but still please do your best to make it look good. Thanks again so much- this is really cool!!! <3