Merlin's Banners

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12:14am May 20 2013 (last edited on 8:16pm Jul 30 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 945
Hullo, people!

I recently got Photoshop, and as ignorant as Merlin is, she don't want to read any books or instructions or anything like that, so erm yeah! Here's what she's going to do.

I'm offering free banners! Yeah!

They are free because I just need some projects to do on Ps.

Heres the form!

*NOTE* If you don't have a background image, give me a theme, and I can find a nice image for you. <3
Background image: (required, preferably link) 
Pet: Y/N
(if Yes specify type, color and age, please!)
(If using Dream HA link me a picture, please!)
Other: (includes where pet/and or HA is located, to which side, facing what direction, the little details like that, Etc.,)
HTML Code: Y/N
Super Detailed? Y/N (Cool effects, add-on, etcetera)
NOTE: I cannot do link banners. I don't know how. :3


Anyway, Order away!

Unlimited! (Please only two banners max per post!)

Repetition (Rmailed)
TessaJ (Rmailed)
ThunderMouse (Rmailed)
Slyfox2587 (Rmailed)
Zennie459 (Rmailed)
Ravewolf101 (Rmailed)
Jasmeena (Rmailed)
Insane (Rmailed)
Soul (Rmailed)
Soul (Rmailed)


12:22am May 20 2013 (last edited on 3:31pm Jul 28 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 945

Free banners! [url=]


12:24am May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 400
Background image: (required, preferably link) ill send the link in pm n.n
Saying: Repetition
Subtext: Queen of the shadow army
Pet: black veram and black myotis
Other: nope ^_^

12:26am May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
Great! you want the pets on the same side, diff. sides, and what age?


12:30am May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 400
adults for both, and one on each side ^.^
um have the main writing in purple or blue perhaps :3 and um heres the background

12:32am May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
Great, thanks!


12:33am May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 400
no, thank you mer :3

6:29pm May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 248
Background image: (required, preferably link)
Saying: TessaJ
Subtext: Welcome too my page :D
Pet: Black Noctis
Other: Can the writing be in Red? Tessaj in a darker shade and the other lighter, also is it possible to have it all in the Red block? with the Noctis directly under the writing?


6:32pm May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
I will try! <3


6:36pm May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 248
Thanks MerlMerl <3


6:56pm May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
You are welcome!


7:12pm May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
@ Tessa: I'm having a bit of trouble, the image is quite small... I'll see what happens xD

Also, posted an example!


9:22pm May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
Finished! Hope you leik <3


11:17pm May 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 342
Saying: Collecter Of Gondras
Subtext: Zennie
Pet: Archo Gondra and a Bino gondra
Other: Orange txt do it like "collecter of archos"

My baby Leggersnoot made by Keith.

12:08am May 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
@Zennie: I need a background image please.


12:24am May 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 498
Background image: (required, preferably link)...I dont have a background image, but a theme...uhm...Lightningyish
Saying: ThunderMouse
Subtext:The Greatest Mouse Of Thunder
Other: I would like it to contain the color Purple in it please.

Enter smart/witty signature here!

2:23pm May 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 46
Background image: (required, preferably link) Don't have one..but make it Something epic lol
Saying: CanStopIt
Subtext: Can You Stop It?
Pet: Calico Ebilia
(if Yes specify type, color and age, please!)

do what you think is best But I would like 
I would like CanStopIt in different bright colors if possible (:
Dont know what H/A means XD 


2:30pm May 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 945
Alright! Do you want the Calico ebbie an adult, to the left, to the right, underneath, above... and HA stands for Human Avatar. Like, do you want your avatar in the banner. 


4:32pm Jun 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 348
Background image: (required, preferably link)
See the stars shoot by between your eyes
Splatter of Imagination
Pet: Y
Could it be a trance adult Aerix?
(if Yes specify type, color and age, please!)

Other: Could it be on the right side of the banner and the left? Facing towards eachother with the writing inbetween eachother

Get your own Wolf/Dragon Hybrid!Unique creatures which you can personalize to create your own! Forever Yours!

1:00pm Jun 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 276
Background image: Don't really have one. Something mystical, like a starry sky or moon sort of thing. Or just a plain black Background. 
Saying: Jasmeena 
Subtext: Caretaker of The Creatu
Pet: Y/N Yes
An adult Nattie Veram and a Orchid sirleon.
HA: Y/N No
Other: Can you put the Veram on the upper left and the Sirleon on the upper right? 

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