what i want in it:
-cervantes on the far left with his swords crossed
-my clan name and logo on the far right facing <way
-along the top in #73001E, font:"copperplate gothic light" I want "gabvilla9 [ELTE]"(yes miss out the I)
-in the bottom left want a teen meiko whose body faces the left but is looking behind itself, towards the logo
-image needs to be at least 1600px wide and in .jpeg format
-around cervantes would like hazy style light blue dust like here [URL=http://www.dream-wallpaper.com/free-wallpaper/cartoon-wallpaper/spawn-wallpaper/1600x1200/free-wallpaper-18.jpg]
-Id prefer the other main colours to be black/dark blue with patchy random spots of light about 10-30PX aross, dotted round the topleft and partially in the center, but if you find a colour that works better then fine, not fussed.
-if you could also make a matching banner with the meiko, my logo, and clan name that would be awesome