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4:08pm Aug 25 2011 (last edited on 3:40pm Aug 26 2011)

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Posts: 1,391



Hallo, and welcome to my thread. Here, I sell Narfles. What is a Narfle, you ask? Well...

A Narfle is a random blob that was created by SugarSnow's imagination. She thought and thought and thought about the odd little creature and she was so dedicated to the idea of a Narfle actually existing that one just randomly appeared. Startled, SugarSnow stared and stared at the strange little thing.

The Narfle was colorful and it had a huge grin. Its eyes were wide and cheerful. It had a black tail similar to a horse's that was curvy and short. A small and pointy horn with a checkerboard pattern was on the Narfle's forehead. The circular blob had no limbs of any sort, and instead traveled around on a simple and shiny wheel like a unicycle.

And so marked the existence of these strange creatures that were born from SugarSnow's creativity...

SugarSnow cared for this strange Narfle. And as she cared for it, she decided that she wanted more Narfles! She imagined and created a whole group of Narfles in her creative mind and poof! More Narfles! She found out that she could make Narfles on a whim, creating them here and there and everywhere in between. She decided to study these wonderful creatures.

SugarSnow's studies led to her to discover that Narfles were friendly creatures that liked to live in groups. A group of Narfles was called a snargle, and they didn't seem to have any kind of hierarchy like a wolf pack. They just lived together like one big happy family, almost like a herd of deer or buffalo. The Narfles lived on sweet foods, like cupcakes and donuts. They loved pies and had a soft spot for fruit. However, they wouldn't even go close to any kind of meat, not even fish. They drank milk, smoothies, slushies, and nectar from fruits. They seemed to be vegetarians, which are not to be confused with vegans. The Narfles ate cheese and considered it a delicacy, only to be eaten during special occasions, such as holidays, special events, and birthdays.

The Narfles had different holidays. The Narfles had Ghoploo, which was held on Februrary 22nd. On Ghoploo, they celebrate and dance around a giant cake ten stories tall which they prepare and bake a month before Ghoploo. It takes the Narfles exactly 30 days to 31 days to bake this awesome creation, which is why they must start baking a month before February 22nd. After they finished dancing and celebrating, they ate the cake and after they were stuffed and the last crumb eaten up, the Narfles would present each other with gifts. The better the gift, the closer you were to that Narfle.
Another holiday was Wungle. Wungle was held on November 30th. The Narfles dress up in silly costumes and try to make each other laugh on Wungle. Whoever got the most laughs from their costume would win a prize, which usually was a large pile of candy.
Quinfer was the Narfles' last holiday. Quinfer was held on May 3rd, and it was a day when the Narfles would fast and not eat anything. Instead, they would gather in a giant circle and sing. The Narfles have their own language which has not yet been deciphered, but Narfles can understand and speak any kind of language. They can even speak to animals! On Quinfer, the Narfles take turns singing a song in every language in the world. Once they are finished singing, they wait until midnight when it becomes May 4th. On midnight, the Narfles yell "Hey!" three times in any language that they please and then eat all they want.

On birthdays, Narfles hold a giant party and stuff themselves. They give mounds of presents to the birthday Narfle, and Narfles often come with more than one present, usually with three or four presents for the birthday Narfle. This is because Narfles only have a birthday every three years. The Narfles have strange traditions. For example, they worship the number 3. They enjoy doing things in three. You could often see Narfles playing in groups of three, eating in groups of three, and doing other things that had to do with the number 3. Their love of the number 3 is very interesting, and there is no explanation. They even worship three gods: Dnedre, Apone, and Wetonte.
They also had a special greeting that they gave only to family and their closest friends, and it is a sign of love, respect, and companionship.
The special greeting is "Paoti" and if you are a human and you recieve this greeting from a Narfle, you should be touched and honored, for this greeting is usually reserved for other Narfles, and is even then it is used very sparingly.

There are many other traditions that SugarSnow has never recorded before. The Narfles are a wonderful race of creatures and SugarSnow herself stated that you can never stop learning from Narfles.

And now you know what a Narfle is.

Now that you're here... You might as well get one! After all, they're free! So it's like a win-win situation. You get a free Narfle, and I get the satisfaction of people adopting my creations. There's just one downside: you can only adopt one Narfle per snargle. Once there is a new snargle though, you can adopt another one.
Also, you aren't allowed to change anything about your Narfle once you get it. You cannot change its name, appearance, or gender. Once you name it, you cannot take back the name.
You are permitted to reserve a Narfle. You cannot reserve Narfles before the new snargle is up and available, but you can reserve after I post that the new snargle is up for adoption.
One last thing... If you adopt a Narfle and you decide you don't want it anymore, just tell me and I'll send it to the Pound. (Or rather, Apone will. ;D) You can adopt up to 3 Narfles from the Pound when it is open. Only adopt from the Pound when it is open.

No spamming!

Remember: be careful around the Narfles. They are loving and there have never been records of any fighting and they have never hated before. But they can be shy.

Go and adopt a Narfle! <3


4:08pm Aug 25 2011 (last edited on 9:37am Sep 3 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

Here you can adopt Narfles when they are available! Narfles are free, but you can only adopt one per snargle.

What's this? A glorious Narfle descends from the sky.

"I am Apone, the goddess of love, loyalty, and companionship. I will guide you to the many snargles that are available for adoption."

Apone guides you to a huge meadow that was at least three acres in size. Many Narfles could be seen, and Apone floats over to a small snargle.

"Here are the Narfles in this snargle. Treat these Narfles with kindness and care for them, or else I will send them to the Pound." Apone narrows her eyes at you, blinking. Stars seem to surround her, and bits of pink fog float around her wheel.

"Fill out this form and give it to SugarSnow. She will then give you the Narfle of your choice."

Apone hands you a form.

Narfle Number:
Narfle's Name:

"It's a very simple form, but it's still important. If you don't fill out the form, SugarSnow will not allow you to adopt a Narfle." Apone's sweet, cheery voice attracts the attention of many Narfles in the various snargles, and they cheer and shout and sing songs of praise to the Narfle god.

Current Snargle:

Narfle #1:


Narfle #2:


Narfle #3:



4:08pm Aug 25 2011 (last edited on 4:49pm Aug 25 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

Here you can adopt abandoned and neglected Narfles from the Pound and give them a new and caring home.

What's this? A happy and joyous Narfle descends from the sky.

"I am Dnedre, god of partying and happiness. I will help you as you provide these poor Narfles a new home."

Dnedre guides you over to a large building with many large crates lining the walls. Narfles are in the crates, wheeling around and eating donuts and little bits of cake from their bowls.

"You can adopt up to 3 Narfles from the Pound, free of charge. But be sure to take good care of them. Their life has already been hard enough. Their previous owners did not want them. Give them an adventure and a party and give them happiness in life once more!" Dnedre smiles widely and points to the many Narfles.

The Narfles in the Pound cheer and sing songs to Dnedre and dance around, obviously cheerful that one of their revered gods was visiting them. Dnedre's smile grows wider and he begins to talk to the abandoned Narfles, leaving you to choose a Narfle of your choice.

A piece of paper flutters down from a table and lands at your feet. You pick it up. It's an adoption form for you to fill out!

Narfle Number:
Do you promise to take good care of this Narfle:


There are no Narfles in the Pound!


4:09pm Aug 25 2011 (last edited on 7:14pm Sep 2 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

Here you can view different Narfles that have been adopted. If you lost the lin to one of your Narfles, this is the place to retrive it!

What's this? A proud Narfle descends from the sky.

"I am Wetonte, the god of organization and luck. It's an odd combination, but that is what I am the god of." Wetonte grins pleasantly. She tells you to follow her, and she guides you over to a nice and roomy place with bright lighting. "Where you are standing is the archives. SugarSnow keeps a record of all the Narfles that have been adopted. Here are the files..."

Wetonte rolls over to a huge filing cabinet. In fact, there are filing cabinets after filing cabinets! She motions to one specific one, and you open it. You can see neat, clear writing and many pictures of various Narfles.

Narfle Archives:


Mandy (Female) 


Mella (Female)


Coral (Female)



Acrylic (Male)



Dredne (Male)




Pointy (Female)



Unnamed! (Female)



4:25pm Aug 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
how much for 1


4:40pm Aug 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
They're free. I'm still working on this thread. You weren't supposed to post yet. T_T"


4:44pm Aug 25 2011

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Posts: 2,836


5:02pm Aug 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

We are officially....



5:20pm Aug 25 2011

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Posts: 2,836

Narfle Number: 

Narfle's Name:Mandy


7:27pm Aug 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 314
Username: NessieChiky7
Narfle Number:
Narfle's Name: Acrylic

I'M BACK!!! ...sorta. And now I'm in love with Jesse McCartney! He's hot.

12:35pm Aug 26 2011 (last edited on 1:25pm Aug 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

I will upload the Narfles soon. But, my sister is using the computer that has all the Narfle data on it, and she's using it. She gets angry whenever I use that computer for some reason. T_T Anyways, I will be sure to upload it as soon as the computer with all the Narfles on it is free for my use.


12:41pm Aug 26 2011 (last edited on 12:43pm Aug 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 140

UserName: WaterPrincess02

Narfle's Number:3

Narfle's Name: Dredne


1:00pm Aug 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
Dredne sounds similar to Dnedre. xDD Anyways, my sister is still using the computer. O_O" Sorry about that.... D:


1:16pm Aug 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,651
Username: Clouding
Narfle Number: I don't know. x3
Narfle's Name: Floofeh

I am online..

1:25pm Aug 26 2011

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Posts: 1,391
There's no more Narfles left... But I will be sure to make you one as soon as my sister is done... *sigh* She can't even spare at least 5-10 minutes of her time on the computer... T_T I'm gonna go check again and see if she'll let me. o3o


1:28pm Aug 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836
beg her and tell her that everyone on rescreatu wants a Narfle and are begging her to play on the right computer


1:30pm Aug 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,836

Can you make me a furry narfle.kinda like a white dog narfle

is name would be Mandy

the other Narfle i ordered  would be named Chestnut 


1:47pm Aug 26 2011

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Posts: 1,391
Narfles are not custom. T_T What I meant by I'll make her one is that I'll give her one from the next snargle.


1:50pm Aug 26 2011

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Posts: 2,836
i would pay you *Waves 5,000 tu at you *if not my 1rst ordered one is chestnut.ill wait for one that i think looks like my dog


2:00pm Aug 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

I can't do customs, I'm sorry. I'm not that good at doing customs, especially if they're complicated. Please don't ask dogpaw.

Also and this is for everyone, I was going to have a post for special events where you all got free items, but I don't have a post for that since dogpaw accidently posted before I was done. xP (It's okay, I'm not mad. I'll just post on the thread when the special event comes. owo)

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