...because I'm just that awesome.
No, really, my art tends to be a fail, so I don't expect to be payed much if at all. ^-^ I can't believe I actually am making a commission thing. I mostly do traditional, though I will occasionally accept a sprite request. I might even color!
Most of my example art is like... weird stuff! |D
Also, most examples are on lined paper because I prefer drawing on that for proportional reasons. Plus, I just like the paper. But I'll draw on a clear sheet if you ask.
MOST of these characters belong to me. No stealing please ^^
E X A M P L E S !
tle="Echo">Echo (my fursona)
tle="Charlette">Charlette the Hyena
tle="Phoenix">Phoenix... thing
tle="dogpile">Fursona dogpile
tle="carmen">Carmen (fursona)
tle="owl">Owl Griffin
sketches w/ background
(I suck at backgrounds)
tle="chickadee">Chickadee Griffin
colored sketches;
tle="Spoonsoapthing">Spoonsoapthing the Zombiedog 8D (bad scan D:)
tle="Dimentio">Dimentio sketches (Super Paper Mario!)
tle="Mythics"> Mythical things (half colored! xD This one is a bit older.)
complete (outlined + colored)
(hah, Invader Zim = love!)
tle="tak"> Tak in a random arena
tle="gaz">Gaz being all jealous and stuff
tle="gir">Creepy Gir
tle="Kain">Fursona-type IZ character 1
tle="Flick">Fursona-type IZ character 2
So yeah. Here's just one sprite/pixil picture I've got done.
tle="liyure"> Liyure
o-x sprites take too long. I am willing to make one for someone I know, however, but I can only make dog/cat-like ones.
For traditional art....
I CAN draw:
. animals
. occasionally like... griffins
. IZ chars xP
. Characters from most other things
. umm... creatu
. goldfish c:
. dragons D:
. furries
I WILL not draw:
. people (realistic/anime; cartoon is alright)
. anthro
As for prices, it depends on how much effort I put into it, really xD I don't like making prices too high. Perhaps around 5-10k for a sketch, starting around there. I'm willing to take eggs/items/pets/art trades/whatever else.
What You Want:
Reference Picture?:
Deion (if no pic):
Style (sketch, lineart, colored, bg):