9:35pm May 6 2017 (last edited on 11:14am May 7 2017)
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intro. illustrations. note (form) details. reward (cost) details. list of nightmares.
If you crack open a brand new dictionary - issued perhaps a couple of years ago, or fresh off the press new book smell type - chances are you've seen the textbook definition of a "nightmare": a frightening dream that usually awakens the sleeper. Flip open an older tome, and this is the definition you might get: an evil spirit formerly thought to oppress people during sleep. Let me tell you this: they got half of it right. A spirit, perhaps, but not wholly evil. They're powerful, and they have control over the domain of dreams and the space trapped between consciousness and the dead.
And here: yet another thing you might not know. Many books may have forgotten them, but the folklores have not. The Nightmares live. The Nightmares breathe. Be not wary of them, but have respect - for they are proud creatures, and should be treated as such. Only the foolish will lead a story of horror around these beings.
The tales say this:
Search the four corners of the world, scour every library. Within its walls, you just might find a Scroll of Nightmares. On there will be illustrations, reminding the people who are, and the people who are to come what these beings look like. And if you leave a note, with a handsome reward beside, a Nightmare just might visit and view your company worthwhile enough to leave an egg.
9:35pm May 6 2017 (last edited on 3:19pm Jun 2 2017)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/504.gif)
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intro. illustrations. note (form) details. reward (cost) details. list of nightmares.
nightmare foal.
nightmare adult.
9:35pm May 6 2017 (last edited on 10:59am May 7 2017)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/504.gif)
Posts: 23
intro. illustrations. note (form) details. reward (cost) details. list of nightmares.
Currently 0 notes available. 1 per user.
username: nightmare name: nightmare primary colour: (the most prominent colour for your nightmare, examples of the colour you want i.e. pics can be given.) nightmare secondary colour: (second most prominent colour.) nightmare tertiary colour: (dashes of this colour will be seen on your nightmare.) additional points: (will try to take into account - any additional requests such as a pattern or where you want what colour - but there's no guarantee it'll be done.)
9:35pm May 6 2017 (last edited on 3:18pm Jun 2 2017)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/504.gif)
Posts: 23
intro. illustrations. note (form) details. reward (cost) details. list of nightmares.
handsome rewards to appease the nightmares that should be left with the notes!!
(the edits in the price now reflect the amount of time it takes to produce them. :> If you ordered before the edit came, don't worry about the new prices!)
Foal: 20 million tu.
Adult: 30 million tu.
Foal + Adult: 45 million tu.
Mutating Energy: 10 million tu. -Adds 1 minor mutation to your nightcreature. (The mutation is a minor change in lineart - if you want some kind of pattern for the coat, that can just go under the "additional points" in the form for no additional cost! This includes adding horns, a simple mask, etc.)
Mutating Crystal: 20 million tu. -Adds 1 major mutation to your nightcreature. (This includes changing the wings, mane, or tail, a detailed mask, or anything that's quite large!)
To recap:
Your nightmare foal will cost 20m. Your nightmare adult will cost 30m. If you want both forms, it will be 45m.
Any additional changes that would go into the lineart will require an extra 10m if it's minor and 20m if it's a major change. If you purchase Mutating Energy or a Mutating Crystal, the change will be applied to both the foal's and the nightmare's form. If you're not sure how big the change you want will be, feel free to shoot me an rmail or ask here!
10:25pm May 6 2017 (last edited on 11:14am May 7 2017)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/504.gif)
Posts: 23
intro. illustrations. note (form) details. reward (cost) details. list of nightmares.
Legencyz - Xero Veram - Frerran prianamagix -
10:38pm May 6 2017 (last edited on 10:47pm May 6 2017)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/302.gif)
Posts: 10
hi there! ^^ wounderfull horsies have found the way into the word, thanks for that! =D *i'd like to leave a note* username: nighting (if it's on the pic, make that nightelb please XD)
nightmare name: Kestral
nightmare primary
colour: beige-ish nightmare secondary colour: brownred/kindagrey/'fire'
nightmare tertiary colour: white
points: - http://nightelb.deviantart.com/art/Kestral-reference-sheet-59644932
for ref sheet. horns /with thier little orb on base, you can't quite
see on the pic...) on adult please (that addd 1 mil, right?) -no orb on the base of 'wing' needed. those wings are somehwat secondary anyway. ^^ -i'd love the marks -somewhat- fitting/resembling on adult, don't care if
the baby horsie has those totally jumbled up, would actually think that
to be cute. XD edit: -okay then 15mil, decided for keeping all three forms tho! ^^ ![](http://orig00.deviantart.net/f263/f/2009/091/2/e/2e2dbc0a6317a32f6c471ec1de57cee9.png)
10:45pm May 6 2017
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/504.gif)
Posts: 23
15m~ total! it's alright there's no additional cost for having the mutation for all three forms~ noted!
10:53pm May 6 2017
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/302.gif)
Posts: 10
geez... that took me a while and some edits to actually get that image to show... XD *facepalm* okay, 15mil sent, and it's KestrAl please. =D i named him before i realised there is an actual word, very similar, in english (i'm german XD)
11:30pm May 6 2017 (last edited on 11:38pm May 6 2017)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/376.gif)
Posts: 285
username: legencyz nightmare name: xero nightmare primary colour: (the most prominent colour for your nightmare, examples of the colour you want i.e. pics can be given.) ^^ with the prominent color being gray / black nightmare secondary colour: (second most prominent colour.) Just base it off the palette above ^^ (dark blue?) nightmare tertiary colour: (dashes of this colour will be seen on your nightmare.) white additional points: (will try to take into account - any additional requests such as a pattern or where you want what colour - but there's no guarantee it'll be done.)
Prefer if the eyes are red, and I think that's all (:
((( sorry, if this is kinda complicated sending 14mill )))
11:56pm May 6 2017
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/504.gif)
Posts: 23
if you want the head to actually have the skull like mask and not just a marking that looks like that, it'd be another 1m to edit the lineart, just so you know!
12:15am May 7 2017
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12:49am May 7 2017
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Posts: 285
Alright, I'll send another one mill :)
9:19am May 7 2017
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Posts: 23
The Nightmares have heard your calling, for in the dead of night arrives this peculiar egg - Kestral - on your doorstep. Congratulations nighting! ![](http://i64.tinypic.com/2v9ce9u.png) The dream energy gathers. Kestral has grown! The dream energy gathers. Kestral has grown up!
(Legencyz, yours should be up in a day or so!)
9:23am May 7 2017
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Posts: 368
10:27am May 7 2017 (last edited on 10:27am May 7 2017)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/12.gif)
Posts: 368
username: Veram nightmare name: Frerran nightmare primary colour: color I'd like the color on the far right please. nightmare secondary colour: color I'd like the second color please. nightmare tertiary colour: color I'd like the third color please. additional points: If it wouldn't be too much trouble could I have the first color as the eye color and the fourth color as little accents around the wing tips, plot, lower leg areas.>.< The cost would be around 16mil wouldn't it?
10:55am May 7 2017 (last edited on 10:56am May 7 2017)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/504.gif)
Posts: 23
Noted, comes down to 14m if you'd like the egg + foal + nightmare. Also your colours don't show up? And what do you mean by fourth colour?
11:24am May 7 2017 (last edited on 11:24am May 7 2017)
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/12.gif)
Posts: 368
Sorry didn't realize it was broken. ColorsAnd I meant by fourth color is the 4th color on the palette if I could add it, it's fine if I can't just wanted to have the whole palette included.
11:41am May 7 2017
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/504.gif)
Posts: 23
Ahh gotcha~
3:51pm May 7 2017
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Not giving any references bc I'm a scrub. c:
username: prianamagix nightmare name: Nova nightmare primary colour: dark blue nightmare secondary colour: uh... black? (for the mane/tail) nightmare tertiary colour: any colours you need to use? blue, pink, purple, silver, gold, etc (see below to understand lol) additional points: Could you make it so that there's a sort of galaxy-like look to it? e.g. dashes of colours here and there, stars speckled over the body/mane/tail... ? ALSO can I get some of that mutating crystal? Change the mane to be longer and more...flowy? ALSO ALSO can I get some of that mutating energy. Add a twisty unicorn horn pls? :0 I can explain more if this is confusing!
That's 40 mil total I believe?
7:10pm May 7 2017
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Posts: 294
Subbing ^_^
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