1:52am May 10 2017 (last edited on 1:55am May 10 2017)
Posts: 3,217
Thank you!
Will send him over when I get home ^u^
One custom slot opened!
Please see first post for the order form and revised notes.
P.'s (sorry I didn't answer sooner!)
You can't type descri.ption in the forums (without the full stop in the middle) because it's a safety guard against hacking. It takes out the dangerous bit (for lack of a better term), the word sc.ript
1:59am May 10 2017 (last edited on 2:02am May 10 2017)
Normal User
Posts: 2,122
editing post
Creatu: Kioka
Colour: Cosmic Black
Desc.ription: Her name is Addict if you'd like to try and grasp an idea of her personality from her tle="" target="_blank">pet page I have no specific poses or anything in mind so just kind of run free with it from her name and the poem on her page..I hope that's enough //sorry