OKAY SO.I'm bored. I need Tu. I also need drawing practice. So this is my solution.
Unfortunately I don't quite have the time to do all out commissions, what with work and life and blah blah. xD;
So I figured an Auction would be my next best bet.
HOW IT WORKS. Don't really need this. ;D
It should be pretty simple. I'm going to throw an example or two in here, maybe throw in a theme if there's something I particularly feel like drawing. All you have to do, is offer a price. I'll let you choose the subject, and you can just... Hit me up with info on whatever it is you want doing. 8D
EXAMPLES. >8DOkay so.
This time around. I'll be drawing
human/anthro Creatu for you guys. c;
Unfortunately, I do only have one example. The art on my computer was all wiped not long ago so I am a little short on done art. LOL.
So here we go~
Below is an example of the style being auctioned. c;
No but srsly. I'll let you guys start this. c;