1:30pm Jul 17 2011
12:30am Jul 18 2011 (last edited on 12:31am Jul 18 2011)
I only got one done 8c
I spelled Allie wrong, but watever :U
It's craptastic ;u;
Das ist what I get for being a defective Irken ;c
I'ma be trying to do Crawler's on Paint.NET, cuz I'm failing so hard x3
Invader Zim, SIGNING OFF!
Edit: *phails at spelling "Being"*
12:40am Jul 18 2011
3:14pm Jul 18 2011
O-o Should I do these by mouse?I did Emmer's with a mouse. An electric mouse.eUe *shot* xDDDDD
http://i1143.photobucket.com/albums/n625/ShirubaSan/EmmerBanner.png I hope you like!!<3
If you want, I'll rmail you the HTML :3
And CRAWLER QAQI can't do it... I just can't.;-; I keep trying, but I keep failing DD8>I could send you some TU as an apology?;-;
Invader Zim, SIGNING OFF
7:04pm Jul 18 2011
7:11pm Jul 18 2011
8:18pm Jul 18 2011
LOLOL and Kay <33 I'm so sorry ;w;
I'm workin on the rest~~~