Err*pokes signature* i also have this:
just imagine an art piece with the quality of those,but fullbody and with background and stuff o3o
of course im not saying one piece will do the trick xD; more like 3 or 5 or something
Edit:just re-read the first post o3o
forgot to say what i do the best and stuff
i'd love to draw some dragons currently or deers 8D
i dont like drawin ebilias cos im not so good with those kind of wings.
i can basically draw anything though... im probably the best at humans though
as for prices... i dont really know @___@ i havent been commissioned in a while and i'd like to think ive improved from my last commission thread.
ohohoh,i also do PS stuff.Im new to it though,so yeah >w> its kind of hard with a mouse