OKAY. STATUS UPDATE HERE.I have one custom drawn out, needs to be transferred and colored.
The other custom is in the process of inking and detailing.
I still have to color the adoptable.
I have to temporarily close the shop for a bit.
My reason for the delay: Christmas. We just bought a tree, had to go get new ornaments, new lights, new tree topper, presents, put up our new tree and we still have to get my sister, find garland/ ribbon for our tree, go shopping for her work, bake a pie for my moms bf, ectectect.
Next week: On Monday my best friend is coming over to visit and then Tuesday I'm going Christmas shopping for him (I should be back at a decent enough time to finish) and Wednesday I go to the Dentist for an X-Ray of my wisdom teeth and a cleaning.
Busy. Freaking. Week.
I really really really apologize, if it weren't for my mom's surprise shopping spree today I would've had everything done