OOAK experimental discounted commission

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5:35pm Feb 10 2023 (last edited on 6:45am Apr 8 2023)

Normal User

Posts: 138
this slot is closed. i will someday make an oak thread


11:00pm Feb 10 2023

Normal User

Posts: 151
Can you provide more examples? I’ll message you my discord 

7:54pm Feb 13 2023 (last edited on 8:24pm Feb 13 2023)

Normal User

Posts: 179
Creatu: Black&Gold Omni
Effect: None?
Idea/Prompt: I would like the omni to be mostly black with gold and red markings. I would like it to have a torn skin/skull look like the undead wyrae. I would this headband around it's neck:
A misty smokey black with red specks wraith effect around it's feet. Then a ninja pose!

Please let me know if this interests you!
Assuming I'd be able to turn this into an actual OAK c':

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