Owly's Profile Commissions•

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4:29am Jan 23 2013

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Posts: 708


1:08am Jan 27 2013

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Posts: 708


7:23pm Jan 27 2013

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Posts: 708


11:41pm Feb 7 2013

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Posts: 708


5:49pm Feb 10 2013 (last edited on 5:50pm Feb 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 322

hnngg awesome coding man omg.

I would order a profile liek


buuut I have no Tu.

ffff problem.

Okay so um. I'll rmail you once I have tu, which shouldn't take long so

Expect profile and pet page orders soon.


fabulous signature there btw



12:15am Feb 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
ahaha thanks :> I haven't gotten any commissions in aaaages |D


12:18am Feb 21 2013

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Posts: 708
Up :>


9:20pm Mar 1 2013

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Posts: 708
The weather outside's so cold it's like skinny dipping in Antarctica. >//>


6:24am Mar 4 2013 (last edited on 6:40am Mar 4 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 177
I'll be happy to give up every dime for an orangelime. Or more specifically, shove TU in your face for your awesome profiles.

Username: MysticalWings
Background: http://www.7rt.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Wallpaper-laptop-1366x768-abstract-black-white-red-background.jpg
Should the background repeat; Nu pls.
If not, where should it be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); Center, I guess.

Where should the content be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); Leeft. Because background. But you can change it if it looks weird. xD
How transparent should the content be (0.1 is reaaally transparent so B|): Uh. I have honestly no idea. I leave it up to you, wise goddess of coding. Although, it would be good if it was noticeably transparent due to the hover thingy.

Hover? (so if you want the content to be 0 at the start but then when you mouse over it the content becomes 0.9); Do include that. Hovers sound awesome. Preferrably something similar to Sheeran's, where the content becomes more visible when you hover your mouse over it.

Headings (what colour, if not should it be the same as the background?); #600411
Heading font; Courier New please

Colour scheme (choose 2-3 colours at the most otherwise it looks reaaaally messy/ check here to choose colours); #600411 #FFFFFF #000000. Pretty much with the background. 

Content font; Helvetica

Li.nk colour; Black
Hover? (when you hover over the link should it change colour, or have a line-through or be capitalized, etc?); Italicised then Red

Would you like a menu?; Yep!
Yes- what would you like on it? (hatchery, explore, forums etc); Stock Market - Inventory - Rmail - Hatchery - Forum

Any textboxes?; Yepper, preferrably with scroll?
If so, how many and where; 1 above the content  and 1 on the upper right. 

Anything else; Naaaaah, thankies! :3

I haz ketchup in my eyes.


4:04am Mar 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
Rmailed c:


9:49pm Mar 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
Updated le form :V


5:05am Mar 17 2013

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Posts: 708


1:44am Mar 20 2013

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Posts: 708


7:04pm Mar 29 2013

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Posts: 708
"I'd rather swim with great white sharks than wade into romance."
-- The Yacht Club, Owl City.


1:19am Apr 2 2013

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Posts: 708


2:12am Apr 3 2013 (last edited on 2:13am Apr 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 24
Username; Elrisae
Background ; Picture that's transparent so can you put a solid color background behind it please? o3o
Should the background repeat; Nope
If not, where should it be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); Right

Where should the content be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); Left
How transparent should the content be (0.1 is really transparent); .9
Hover? (so if you want the content to be 0 at the start but then when you mouse over it the content becomes 0.9); Yes please

Headings (what colour, if not should it be the same as the background?); Light purple

Content font (choose here or even here to look at the fonts/ if you choose a font from the second site, then you have to download and install the font so it works on your laptop/whatever as well :D); Merienda please

Li.nk colour; Red
What do you want it to do? (when you hover over the link should it change colour, or have a line-through or be capitalized, etc?); Line-through

Would you like a menu?; Yes
Yes- what would you like on it? (hatchery, explore, forums etc); Hatchery, Stocks, Explore
Do you want the SB on your profile? Nope

Any textboxes?; Yes
If so, how many and where; One either in middle or above the content

Anything else; I'm basically trying to make a Omni-inspired profile, feel free to mess around and change a few things if what I have up starts to look kind of funny. xD Also, Orangelimes. o3o 
Payment; Seasonal Eggers


3:01am Apr 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
that is all.

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