Looking for an exceptionally drawn picture, of my persona, in this pose.
(drawn in brown)
(blue is for positioning on my custom profile, after I'm done coding)
You may also draw in the scarf if you can position it so that it doesn't cover the right hand side box, (horizontal sketch lines...)
Sorry if I'm really, really, picky... but I'd like a work that I go 'wow' at... ^^''
MUST be digital...
Lineart should be 2-3 px wide...
Lineart shouldn't be too thick, at least...
Color should be a tone of grey, not entirely black. ;D
(pen tool might work too)~~
I'd like it cell shaded too.
So sorry to everyone else D:
This art will be on my profile for everyone else to see ;D
I WILL credit you.
PLEASE do NOT start.
I'd like examples of your work, and I will choose ONE artist to draw for me =D
This will go on until I find someone decent enough that shows examples matching the style I want the picture to be drawn in.