Planet Kusher 2.0 (adoptable)

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11:32am Oct 11 2021


Posts: 910
I bought Kippy’s pride Brachiado! 


11:37am Oct 11 2021

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Trading my mono Binturo for Kippy's summer Woobuzz. c:

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


11:42am Oct 11 2021 (last edited on 11:49am Oct 11 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 44

buying silver dpb to hatch my Yuduri base egg in tle="" target="_blank">these colors please <3

12:41pm Oct 11 2021 (last edited on 12:41pm Oct 11 2021)

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Posts: 955
Fennimage666's evolved Albino Vetan has been summoned!

Loki has won a Royal Onghuo Egg from a giveaway!
After a few moment, a Royal Onghuo hatched.
Loki's Royal Onghuo evolved!

1:45pm Oct 11 2021 (last edited on 2:05pm Oct 11 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 153
can i pls buy an X013 base and a gold brush

and can i have it the colours of an opal 
and the armour white 

Adopts by Kush

6:20pm Oct 11 2021


Posts: 2,165
Against the little voice in my head that tells me I've spent way too much on this thread in one day I'm here to get a rune effect plate for my natural binturo!


7:59pm Oct 11 2021 (last edited on 9:02pm Oct 11 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 205


Golden delicate paintbrushes are now Discord server exclusive.

In order to obtain golden delicate paintbrush customs, you must join the Discord server and enter the queue for golden dpb customs.

Here is the link to join the server: tle="" target="">

Please rmail Kush for any questions regarding this change in policy.

Thank you for your cooperation.

~Rhian, Kusher Planet Adopts Server Admin

Buzzard, if you wish for your custom to be accepted, please join the Discord server and enter the queue.



3:38am Oct 12 2021 (last edited on 3:39am Oct 12 2021)

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Posts: 941

Elohim and her Chocolate Milk Aquwa baby are chilling on their bed watching some Netflix together. Elohim unconsciously grabs and bites into one of the Chocolate Milk Aquwa's floating droplets and suddenly...

Chocolate Milk Aquwa has evolved!

Otachie is taking a walk around the park with her little Honeybee Woobuzz pup. The pup spots a beehive and zooms towards it. He buzzes around the hive, seemingly dancing with the bees, and suddenly...

Honeybee Woobuzz has evolved!

Xichen is sitting on a log near the bonfire with her Burning Sea Isamu kit on her lap, purring contently. With the moon and the bonfire being her only source of light, Xichen picks up some marshmallows and makes some smores. The kit wakes up from the smell of them and takes a bite of the smores, and suddenly...

Burning Sea Isamu has evolved!


6:00am Oct 12 2021 (last edited on 6:01am Oct 12 2021)

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Posts: 955
Otachie has used a Potion of Lucks on Calico-Otachie Isamu. 
As the excited Isamu gulped the potion, dark smoke surrounded the Isamu and…

Otachie’s Calico-Otachie Isamu changed to… a mutant!


10:56am Oct 12 2021 (last edited on 10:58am Oct 12 2021)


Posts: 2,165
Ordering a very special silver custom as a gift for Tiberius!

I'd like a base X013 egg, and a rune effect plate. I'd like the colours to be based on her OAK berrok, which I've made a palette for here: tle="" target="_blank">[x]

Colours #1 and 2 I want on the body, with #2 being the face, midsection, and paws. #3 is the colour I want for the white parts of the pet. #4 for the red, #6 for the yellow, and #5 I want for the fluid, and obviously for the runes as well. I'll be paying for all of this, of course. c:


11:08am Oct 12 2021 (last edited on 11:10am Oct 12 2021)

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Posts: 941

Otachie has picked up a Bubblegum Byul Egg!

Something has happened! The egg cracked and…
Bubblegum Byul hatched!
Some time has passed, Otachie's Bubblegum Byul has evolved!


11:44am Oct 12 2021 (last edited on 11:23am Oct 13 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 205

Fennimage666 has won a Capricorn Byul Egg from a giveaway!

The egg quivers, starts glowing, and then....

A Capricorn Byul hatches in a burst of light and sea spray!

2:11pm Oct 12 2021

Normal User

Posts: 436
i would like to order two more customs. Will buy 2 base Byul eggs for them and 2 silver delicate paintbrushes. For some reasons its not letting me attach links from my laptop, so...can i discord the artist with the colours by chance?

1. Eevee Byul

2. Zorua Byul


12:30am Oct 13 2021 (last edited on 12:30am Oct 13 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 205
Fennimage666 takes their Capricorn Byul to the beach for some fun. The baby excitedly runs across the sand towards the ocean but as soon as it touches the waves,

The Capricorn Byul evolves in a swirl of light and water!

12:39am Oct 13 2021 (last edited on 9:57pm Oct 13 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
New Update!

Bronze Eggs for the Newbies!

These eggs can only be bought by those owners with less than 5 adopts.
Maximum egg can be bought is two.

SOLD, SOLD, Yuduri, SOLD, Brachiado, SOLD
(10,000,000 tu each)

4:27am Oct 13 2021

Normal User

Posts: 422
Can I but a Binturo and Woobuzz eggs please!


10:47am Oct 13 2021 (last edited on 9:56pm Oct 13 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Billark has bought a Aquarius Byul Egg from a raffle!

The egg spins, starts glowing, and then....

An Aquarius Byul hatched!

Edit: changing the design for Capricorn Byul Egg


2:39pm Oct 13 2021


Posts: 585
Can I please have the Quetzalt and the Memera, curtesy of Shark x


12:19am Oct 14 2021 (last edited on 12:19am Oct 14 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Look! Billark’s Aquarius Byul has evolved!

12:41am Oct 14 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228
since it has been 24 hours could i claim the brachiado please 
id also like to buy the yuduri for xichen as a gift 

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